Maybe the vampire was having a quick snack before sunrise? His reaction seems to indicate that he was breaking the rules, somehow, so I let my gaze fall to the ground as his friend whistles out of view.
The vampire curls his fists. “What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay with the princess.”
“I needed some air,” I say harshly, unable to hide my current mood.
The vampire’s eyes dim, but he doesn’t reprimand me, or become aggressive. In fact, he calms down from his initial surprise. “Is she alright? The princess?”
He nods a few times, more to himself, I think, than to me.
After a few long seconds, he motions me forward. “Come, the head of the royal guard wanted to speak with you.”
I look down at my clothes, peppered with the purple-tinted water from Arielle’s bath. “Wait—why?”
I’m not in the right headspace to meet anyone, let alone the head of the royal fucking guard. In fact, I need a few minutes by myself to take care of my… problem.
Garrett straightens his uniform, the row of medals on his chest on full display. “He asked to meet the princess’ first-blood. Since I have you here now, better get it out of the way.”
I force a deep breath down my lungs and obey.
Garrett takes me to the guard’s headquarters by the entrance of the estate, and we climb a flight of stairs into an alcove office that offers a wide view of the road leading to the castle and its surrounding area, with windows facing in all four directions. We might not be far from Marseilles and the Mediterranean Sea, but we’re certainly equipped to hold a siege of some kind.
Empty bottles clutter the desk behind a short, broad vampire with an eclectic array of piercings.
“Callas…I think you’re the first of your name to make it to court, Leo,” he slurs, clearly inebriated.
I know he expects me to say that it’s an honor, but I won’t. Instead, I keep my eyes firmly planted on the ground.
The way he looks at me…it crawls under my skin, in a very, very bad way. Long dark hair is slicked back over his large head, and his perfectly straight white teeth seem too large for his tight mouth, making his smile appear forced—-or rather disingenuous.
“I’m Jasper Beaumont. I’m in charge of the Royal Guard and the security of their majesties.”
I nod silently, my instincts screaming at me not to engage in any conversation with him, his vulture-vibe sparking a fresh rush of adrenaline in my veins. Alec is an assassin, but he exudes calm and professionalism, and Garrett is built like a brute, but sophisticated. This third Beaumont is all teeth and slime.
He links his hands in front of him, elbows propped on the table. “I’ve heard unsettling rumors about your relationship with our beloved princess. I don’t know what others have told you, but she needs to remain a virgin until her wedding.”
I swallow hard, a hard lump stuck in my throat, the wretched taste almost impossible to bear.
He slithers to his feet and prowls over to sit on the corner of his desk. “Do you understand what I’m saying?” The scent of alcohol thickens his breath.
“Y-yes,” I croak, shaking inside from the urge to punch his face.
He leans in and cups my face without hesitation.
I slip from his grasp and raise both hands in front of me. “Stop!”
“Are you a stupid man?”
“I belong to the princess.” I never thought I’d be so eager to say those words, but hell. “You can’t drink my blood, it’s forbidden.” Maybe he’s just drunk and needs to be reminded of the rules.
“True enough…” The click of his belt buckle is quickly followed by the sound of his zipper, and he grabs his already hard dick. “Get on your knees, Callas.”
All the blood drains from my face, and my muscles coil. “No.”
His lewd gaze snaps up to meet mine. “What did you say?”
Fate is punishing me for what I did, for being weak. I allowed myself one moment of weakness, one temptation, and this is how God punishes me.