“It’s surprisingly good,” I admit. The things they got me last time seemed to be more for comfort, but this is stuff I might pick out myself—if I had the money and wasn’t worried about spending it, that is.
“Good to know. We’ll keep her.”
“I don’t think I’ll need anything else for a while,” I reply, trying to discourage him from buying anything more.
“Bullshit.” He snorts like he knows exactly what I’m thinking. “Now, go get ready, we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Don’t you have to get ready?” I question.
“I can change my shorts in two minutes. You haven’t tried any of that on, and you take twenty minutes to find the most comfortable leggings,” he replies.
“Whatever.” I head into the closet with my stash, leaving him to his game, since he’s right.
The plan to get everyone out on the water this weekend was almost too easy. I sent a few texts to the right people, asking who was planning the yacht party near one of the other islands, and before I knew it, I was getting message after message, asking if I was going to the party.
I didn’t respond to most people, and when I did, I kept my answer vague, but it’s all part of my plan. We’ve done things like this a few other times. People would jump from boat to boat, drinking, dancing, and fucking before moving on or finding a boat to crash on. Our boat will be off-limits as usual except for those we invite, and this time, that will only be one person, but I want to make an appearance. It’s never too early to establish an alibi.
“Where is she?” I ask Nox the moment I walk into the room and find her absent.
“In there.” Nox motions to the closet.
“What’s she doing?”
“Trying shit on, I think.”
“And you’re sitting here playing a game while she’s naked?”
“We have to leave by six, and that’s in less than twenty minutes. Plus, I don’t want her to think she owes us for the clothes.” He mutters the last part softly.
“Did she like them?” I sit in a chair next to him.
“She seemed to, but she’s been in there for a while.”
“I’ll go check on her.” I start to push up from the chair.
“Nova, baby, are you almost ready?” Nox yells before I have the chance to rise fully to my feet. “Yeah right. You would check on her to see if you could get her clothes off and your dick inside her.” He chuckles at his cockblock.
“I think so, is this okay?” She’s looking down and tugging at her shirt, so she doesn’t notice me, but I eat up her appearance. She’s in white cargo pants that have ties at her ankles and her feet are bare, but her toenails are painted a robin’s egg blue that matches the oversized sweater hanging off one shoulder.
“More than okay, lamb. You look good enough to devour.” Her eyes snap up to mine.
The soft expression on her face remains in place when she mouths, “Thank you.”
“Gorgeous. She’s not allowed to leave the boat, right?” Nox asks me.
“Nope, she’s confined to the Leviathan.”
“We’re going on a boat?” Her eyes are wide in wonder, or maybe fear. “I’ve never been on anything but a canoe, and it tipped twenty times.” She crosses her arms over her chest, and she doesn’t look excited.
“This is a little bigger than a canoe, sweetheart, I promise,” Nox assures her.
“On the ocean?” she exclaims as if she just realized where the boat would be. “I’m not a great swimmer. Maybe I should just stay here.” She drops her arms but pulls the sleeves of her shirt over her hands.
“You want us to go to a party without you?” I goad her.
“No,” she answers quickly. “You two would probably do something that would make me want to strangle you with piano wire.”