Page 46 of Created in Chaos

“You needed me for that?” I chuckle softly.

Her gaze falls to my chest before she whispers, “Not really excited about the bathroom.”

Fuck. It didn’t even cross my mind about her having to revisit the room she was attacked in. How shitty is that? “Good thing we live close,” I offer, wishing I could reach out and touch her, but we don’t need to put any more garbage on our plate. The Umbras can’t do shit about Nova being with us, even if they know we’re together, because she’s their only hope. That offers us some insulation, but the same can’t be said for the Omegas and Quades. If they find out just how deeply we are involved with each other, there will be a mess I’m not sure even Lucian can fix.

“I’ve been holding it for the past hour.” She shifts on her feet. “Will you stand by the door?” She peers up at me with pleading blue eyes.

“Anything you need, Nova,” I agree without reservation.

“Can we go upstairs? The ones down here…” She doesn’t need to finish.

“I’ll follow you.”

The relief on her face says everything. She pushes forward, almost as if she might plant a kiss on my lips, but she catches herself before getting too close and turns away from me, saving us both.

She avoids the main hall near the Union and rushes down toward the end to a set of service stairs. When she opens the door, she checks behind her, making sure I’m still there, then disappears behind the heavy wood. It only takes me a second to catch up, and then I’m right behind her all the way up to the third floor.

“Don’t ever let me get a large coffee.” She winces while squeezing her knees and thighs together as she turns to open the door. Once she’s in the open area of the third floor, she damn near runs to the bathroom. I follow right behind her as she pushes the door open and calls, “Anyone in here?” as she enters the stall. Her little squeal before the sound of her peeing seconds later is the only response.

“I’ll stay right here.”

“Sorry you have to hear me pee, Nox.” She sighs with relief.

I lean against the open door, so I can make sure no one else is going to try to enter the bathroom. “I think it’s weird that you think you need to apologize for that,” I tell her. “I stand next to strangers and piss all the time. You think me hearing you pee is a hardship?”

“It’s TMI.” The toilet flushes, and she exits the stall at a much slower pace. “I really thought I was going to pee my pants there at the last second.”

“Is that what that little squeal was about?” I chuckle.

“Stupid buttons.” She shoves her hands under the water after turning on the tap and washes up.

“All better?” I ask as she passes me, stepping through the door. It’s so hard not to touch her, and even more so because no one’s around.

“Yes, thank you.” She smiles up at me.

“Gertrude was making lunch when I left. Are you hungry?”

“I could definitely eat,” she agrees.

“Let’s get out of here. I get to have you all to myself for a little while.”

“I’m ready whenever you are.”

My first inclination that something is very wrong comes when Nova stops dead in her tracks on the stairs, and I nearly bump into her. I don’t need to ask her what the holdup is, because anyone with eyes can see the problem. A foul curse leaves my lips when I see my twin with his forearms against the wall, leaning over Grace in a pose that speaks of familiarity. Even worse, the girl reaches up and coyly toys with Lucian’s shirt over his chest, and he doesn’t push her away.

My throat and body get tighter and tighter as her fingers continue to inch up, reaching his neck, where she curls her fingers as if she might pull him down for a kiss, or she’s hoping he will take the invitation.

Finally, I let out a breath when Lucian captures her hand and takes it from his neck. I think he’s about to put some distance between them, but instead, he keeps her hand in his and pulls her off the wall and hauls her behind him as he disappears down a long, dim corridor.

Nova laughs, but it’s devoid of humor. The utter devastation accompanying the chuckles is what snaps me back to reality.

“It’s not what you think.” I wince at the words coming from my mouth.

“Sure it isn’t. I’m certain he was just helping her study. Looks like they are headed to the library.” The innocent way she says “study” triggers a warning, but I’m not sure why.

Nova turns on the stairs to face me. She’s wearing the mask of a stranger—a blank expression and hard eyes. I immediately reach out for her, damn the cost, but she takes a deft step backward, putting more distance between us and lowering herself even more on the steps.

“I can’t tell you what that was right now, but I’m asking you to trust me,” I say quickly, sensing her departure.