Page 63 of Created in Chaos

I don’t tell him it’s too late for that, even though I recognize it as the truth. Nox and Lucian ruined me the first night they invited me here, let me into their dark world, and made me feel wanted. I was just too stubborn—or maybe dumb—to acknowledge it then, but I can’t ignore it now. I let my eyes close to hide the emotion that must be visible in my gaze.

When he thrusts inside me again, just as deep as the other times, he grinds his hips against me, going even deeper and adding pressure on my clit.

An honest to God whimper falls from my lips, and I can’t decide if I love or hate what he’s doing to me, but my body knows. Nox’s movements trigger an orgasm deep inside me that’s more intense than the last, but thankfully, it’s shorter. I don’t think I even breathed through it. My head feels all fuzzy, and I don’t remember the room being this dark when I left the bathroom.

His thrusts are slow and shallow, but it doesn’t stop him from kissing my jaw and ear as he huffs warm, steady breaths against my skin. I was so lost in my own pleasure, I didn’t feel him come, but I’m fairly certain he did since I can feel him slipping out of me with every movement.

“You’re lucky you love me, Nova, because you could never get rid of me. The sounds you make when you come could call a demon to heel,” he confesses. It’s as good as him telling me he loves me. I would hug him if I thought I could lift my arms, but just making sure I don’t drool or fall asleep while he’s still inside me feels like a chore.

“Lucky,” I reply, but it’s definitely not for the reason he stated.


“Speak of the devil,” I mutter from the doorway. Nox turns his head so fast, I know he had no clue I was here, watching for the last few minutes. It’s proof of how she consumes us. There’s nothing else that can distract either of us from the other’s presence the way she can.

“You’re a demon now?” Nova questions lazily, understanding my reference.

“I think in this instance, lamb, it would speak more to your power to call one than to what I am,” I answer.

A satisfied smile graces her full lips, and she curls up on her side when my brother finally climbs off her. “Was I loud? I’ll work on that,” she remarks with no intention of keeping her word.

“Liar,” I tease. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you did that just to drive me insane, since you told me you didn’t have time to share a shower with me.” I sit on the edge of the bed, and her hand reaches for me as if she’s just as helpless as I am when it comes to touching her.

She lifts her head off the pillow, staring deep into my eyes. “School was canceled. I swear.” This promise has meaning.

“I know.” I bring her fingers to my lips and kiss her knuckles. “I was downstairs speaking with Lev and Morozov about it.”

“Do you know why they canceled?”

“To search the school and the island,” I tell her, but I’m sure she already suspected as much.

“Will they come here?” She sits up, looking worried for the first time in a few days. I kept waiting for her to panic and ask all kinds of questions, but Nova took it like she does everything—in stride.

“There’s no need. I already supplied the Umbras’ security with the gate log and the camera footage for the past few days, willingly. I also gave them permission to share the information with the mainland police as a sign of my cooperation.”

“Will that work?” she questions softly.

“Yes, but it does make me regret not fucking you on the ride home the other night. That would have been a beautiful visual for them—you riding me while Nox drove, barely keeping his eyes on the road.”

She snatches her hand away from me in outrage. “I would move off-grid if a video of me doing that got on the internet.”

“Better erase the cameras in here then, brother.” I lean around her to look at Nox.

“He’s joking.” Nox puts his arms up to defend against the pillow suddenly in Nova’s hands. I think she planned on smothering him by the looks of her.

“Do you have cameras in here?” She gazes skeptically around the room.

It’s my turn to make a promise. “Not in here or in the main house at all. Any cameras we do have on the grounds are on a completely isolated system that would never reach the internet.”

Her eyes narrow with uncertainty as she levels me with a glare. “You better be telling the truth, pretty boy.”

“So I take it you wouldn’t be up for a home movie? Maybe in the future.” I shrug, sure she’ll come around at some point.

“Yes, that’s exactly how you can take it. No home movies or sex tapes for me, thank you very much.”

“Did Lev or Morozov have any news?” Nox relaxes into the bed. I can’t say I’m not a little jealous. It’s not because he was with Nova, I just wish I was in his position and just got done fucking her.

“Vera was supposed to have lunch with Bridget today, but she canceled early this morning. Morozov thinks it’s because the island is shut down or because she’s worried the Umbras are watching everything too closely.”