“I know,” I said. “Let’s set up camp so you can make me sleep in the rain.”



Luna launched herself into my arms when I came through the door of my penthouse. I caught her, snugging my arms under her butt and burying my face against her neck. It had only been a few days, but in that moment, as I inhaled her sweet smell, it felt like I’d been to war.

I’d given her the codes to my penthouse before I left. I’d only felt the smallest twinge of apprehension about it, a force of habit. I knew now that it had been a good decision. Luna belonged in my space—she was the only person who did. And getting greeted when you got home was nice.

It was especially nice when your girlfriend wrapped her bare legs around your waist, because she was wearing sleep shorts and a tee. And, from the feel of it, nothing else.

“Will,” she said.

“Talk later.” I kissed her neck.

She shivered. “But you just walked in, and we need to talk about—”

“Nope.” I nuzzled her and started walking toward the bedroom, carrying her. “It can wait.”

She squeezed her arms around my neck as I walked. “Are you all right?”

“I told you, I’m fine.” I had called her before I left Bend, early this morning.

“You didn’t mention that you have a beard.”

I hadn’t shaved since before I left. “Now you know,” I answered her, entering the bedroom and tossing her on the bed. “There’s nothing left to discuss.”

Luna sat up and looked up at me. Her curls were mussed, and she wore no makeup. I could tell from the state of the room that she’d slept here last night, maybe longer. Her clothes were tossed on a chair and her stuff was likely in my bathroom. She was in my space, and not only did it not bother me—I liked it.

She watched as I took off my boots, then unbuttoned my flannel shirt.

“Have no fear,” I told her. “I showered before I left this morning. I don’t smell as wretched as I did a few days ago.”

“You showered? Where? I thought you were camping.”

“I’ll tell you later.”

“I have so many questions.” Her gaze dropped to my torso as I stripped off my tee. “Uh,” she said, distracted.

“I missed you,” I said, meaning it.

Her gaze rose back to mine, and her cheeks flushed. “I missed you, too.” She hitched a breath. “You’re not mad?”

“What would I be mad about?” I unbuckled my belt.

“Any of it. All of it. My ridiculous family.”

I dropped my pants. “Luna. For the next hour, I don’t intend to think about your family. In fact, for the next hour, you don’t have a family. You’re an orphan. Got it?”

“Got it,” she whispered.

“Good.” I put a knee on the bed. “Now, take those shorts off. I’m going to put my beard between your legs and see if you like it as much as you did last time.”

She hooked her thumbs into her waistband. “Yes, please.”

She did like it as much as last time. Even more, maybe.

When I’d had my fill—which took a while—I kissed my way slowly up her body, savoring every inch. I rose to my knees and pulled her into my lap, her legs wrapping around my hips. And then I was inside her, her hands in my hair, my arm around her hips. She was soft and so fucking warm, her skin fragrant, her grip twisting in my hair, her breath in my ear. I had no idea how being with another person could feel so good. Just this person and no one else. Being with Luna was coming home.