I wished I was one of those women who was so upset they couldn’t eat, but that wasn’t me. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday, and there had been two rounds of calorie-burning sex in the night. I dug in.

Will poured me a coffee and a big glass of orange juice and ate with me. Then he said, “Next question. Why was your mother spying on me?”

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

“This accidental visit this morning.” He said the word accidental with deep skepticism. “She did it on purpose, but she didn’t expect you to be here. So why was she spying?”

My first thought was to argue, but of course he was right. When I thought about it, it was so obvious. Mom wasn’t stupid, and she’d run the McQueen Inn for nearly thirty years. The last thing she would ever do was walk in on a guest uninvited without a knock or a phone call.

Will had called her on it, too. Which was why she’d apologized.

“I’m going to murder her,” I said, probably sounding a lot like Tanner in that moment. “Seriously, I’m going to have words with her, Will. Then she’s dead to me.”

Will shrugged. “Don’t cut her off on my account. I’m just curious about why.”

“I don’t know. She must have been curious, because she knew you were my boss and I’ve talked about you before. But that doesn’t explain why she just walked in on you like that.”

“Well, her curiosity was satisfied, I suppose,” he said as he put his empty plate in the sink. “So there’s that. Leave the dishes—we’ll do them later. I’m going upstairs to shower.”

I finished my breakfast, then disobeyed him and washed the dishes, taking my time washing them in the sink as I heard the shower run upstairs. I was starting to calm down. It was still early, and Will and I had the entire day to ourselves with no schedule and nowhere to go. And, apparently, we were dating. When you forcibly forgot about the cringeworthy way the day had started, the situation could be a lot worse.

When the kitchen was clean, I walked upstairs. Will was in the bedroom he’d chosen, wearing only a towel around his waist. He was looking through his suitcase. The wolf on his pec moved when his muscles flexed. He stopped and watched me as I came into the room.

I’d looked at him last night, but I’d been in a crazed burst of insanity then, fueled by the long drive, the storm, the argument we’d had, and weeks of pent-up lust. I’d been a wild woman then, but even now, in the calmer light of morning, I felt my pulse quicken at the sight of Will in a towel.

I couldn’t fully explain it, what the sight of him did to me. He just looked good. It was his strong, sleek body and the arrow of hair down his stomach, that surprising bad-boy tattoo that made my stomach twist with want. It was my knowledge now of how he touched me. Something inside me had always known that Will would be the one to make me feel special, feel safe, feel sexy. I’d always known that among everyone in the world, he was somehow the one who was made for me.

When he spoke, his voice was slightly strained. “Luna. You have to stop looking at me like that.”

In response, I tugged my shirt off over my head and dropped it. The action reminded me that after being a filthy sex god last night, Will had done my laundry without asking, and he’d even folded my expensive bra instead of dumping it in the washing machine. Who was this man, and what planet had he come from? Wherever it was, I wasn’t letting him go back.

“Remind me,” I said as I unbuttoned my jeans and dropped them, “how much time we have before we have to go home.”

Will’s gaze was avid on me, watching my every move, traveling my skin, the curve of my hip, the line of my neck. “By my estimate,” he said slowly, “my vacation ends in around eighty-seven hours. The calculation is different if you count from when I have to check out, or whether you include the drive back and calculate to the moment I actually get home. It isn’t exact math.”

“Eighty-seven hours?” I asked, unhooking my bra and dropping it. Will let out a pained breath that turned into a moan when I also dropped my panties. “That’s a long time.”

“Jesus, Luna,” he murmured, and I felt beautiful, so beautiful, just like I’d known I would.

“No one is going to interrupt us,” I said. I got on my knees on the bed. “We’re alone. That’s what you wanted, right? No one in your space. I guess I broke that rule.”

“I don’t mind.” He was still watching me, and I’d never seen anything I liked more than the look in his eyes. “Not at all.”

“That’s good.” I lifted my arms like a pinup model and placed my hands behind my head.

“Don’t move.” It was his calm, bossy voice, sliding up my spine as he straightened and looked me up and down in my pinup pose. “Not one inch. It’s my turn to look at you.”

I bit my lip, but I stayed where I was. Will stepped forward, standing at the edge of the bed, his gaze moving over my naked skin. I knew that I had flaws like anyone else did, but in that moment, my flaws didn’t exist. In Will’s eyes, I could see that I had no flaws at all.

“I liked you, too,” Will said, tilting his chin and never taking his gaze from me. “I’ve never taken an assistant to a concert. I’ve never spent my Sunday at an estate sale with an assistant—or any woman. I’ve never bought a woman a shawl.”

“Or a unicorn?”

He shook his head. “The unicorn was one of a kind. So was the kiss in the closet.”

“I know,” I said softly, watching him.

Will circled the bed, looking at me in profile. “I wasn’t allowed to say anything,” he explained. “I wasn’t allowed to picture you naked, like you are right now. I wasn’t allowed to wonder if you liked me. I wasn’t allowed to fantasize about it.”