“We should stay in.” I moved closer.

“Got it.”

“I’m making breakfast. There’s lots of food. So there’s nowhere we need to go.”

“Okay.” I was close to her now, and in one of those bold moves that made me crazy, Luna hooked a finger into the waistband of my sweatpants, pulled it out, and gazed down. Her expression went greedy when she saw what was going on in there, and she sighed, the sound edged with desperation that made me shiver.

She wanted me. When was the last time a woman had wanted me?

I braced her against the doorframe, but when I kissed her, it was gentle, just a brush of my lips over hers. She tasted clean and minty. I’d never seen her hair wet, and there was something intimate about it that turned me on just as much as her nakedness under the robe.

Luna leaned in, her breath against my neck, and said my name again. “Will.”

“We’re on vacation, remember?” I tilted her chin up and kissed her gently again. “We can do anything we want, whenever we want, on whatever surface we want.” I was considering the kitchen counter, calculating the angles. I’d never had kitchen counter sex before and I wanted to try it. I wanted to try a lot of other things, too, like going down on her, like her going down on me, like me figuring out if she had any hidden desires. We’d need days to do what I wanted to do, and it wouldn’t be enough.

She gave a short laugh that was half moan. “Who are you? You’ve always been so polite.”

I dropped a hand through the gap in her robe and stroked her bare thigh. “This is me,” I replied. “I’m not polite when you’re naked.”

Her breath hitched as I stroked her warm, clean skin. “I like it.”

“Do you?”

“I love it,” she corrected herself, and then we were kissing, deeply this time. I stroked my palm up her inner thigh, squeezing the tender skin there, just shy of where she wanted me. Her hands were in my hair, and she gasped sweetly into my mouth as she raised her leg and hooked her heel over the back of my thigh. We weren’t going to make it to the counter. We weren’t going to eat breakfast, either. I was going to feel how wet and ready she was, and then I was going to drop to my knees and—

“Oh, my god!”

The moment cracked. Luna and I both tensed. I pulled away from her.

Standing in the hallway leading from the front door were two people I’d never seen before. One was a woman in her fifties, holding a paper grocery bag. The other was a man in his thirties who was over six feet tall. He was pinning me with a death glare that said my murder was very, very imminent.

I didn’t know them, but in an instant, I guessed who they were. The resemblance was unmistakable.

Luna jerked away from me and yanked her robe closed. “Mom!”



“I’m going to kill you,” Tanner growled. “Fucking kill you.”

“So you’ve said,” Will replied. “Multiple times.”

We’d regrouped. Somehow, despite being agonizingly consumed by the white-hot fires of humiliation, I’d managed to grab my clothes from the dryer and duck into the bathroom to put them on. Will hadn’t changed his clothes, but I hoped he had put on some underwear. The thought of him going commando in those sweatpants while he sat in a chair across from my mother and my brother was too uncomfortable to contemplate.

Not that either Mom or Tanner was under any illusions about what they’d just seen. But putting on underwear might add back a small fraction of our lost dignity.

We were in the living room, Mom and Tanner on the flowery sofa, me and Will on chairs. It looked like a social call, except that Mom would need therapy for the next decade and Will might not live through the next twenty minutes.

“So you just showed up without knocking?” I demanded, trying to compute how this disaster had happened.

Mom raised her hands. “I was trying to help! I thought I’d check in on our guest, since he’s your boss and he’s here all alone. I wanted to see if any windows were broken. I thought he might need supplies after the storm.”

“It never occurred to you to call?” I pointed to Tanner. “And you brought him?”

“Tanner was helping me!” Mom argued back. “He moved the fallen branches from the foot of the driveway.”

“You’re fucking dead,” Tanner said to Will, ignoring us.