“It’s beautiful,” Luna said.

No woman had ever looked at me like she was looking right now, like I drove her crazy, like she wanted to sink her teeth into me. Her gaze moved away from my ink and shamelessly down my chest, my stomach, to where my cock rested on her hip. She licked her lip, and I knew that this was going to be very, very good, so good it left every other memory in the dust.

I leaned down and spoke gently in her ear. “Look all you want,” I said. I shifted so my cock was sliding against her, and I moved slowly, rubbing her in a delicious motion. I had the satisfaction of watching her head tilt back in pleasure, her lips part, and her gaze go unfocused. I rubbed slowly, again and again, finding just the right spot. If I was going to have this woman—and I was—then I was going to make it so good she’d never be the same.

I’m a patient man, but the pleasure became too much even for me, so I paused to catch my breath and regroup. “We don’t have a condom,” I pointed out, because I sure as hell hadn’t brought any when I’d expected to be alone, as I always was. We’d have to get creative, which was fine with me. My mind was already inventing all the possibilities.

Luna floated back into momentary consciousness from her cloud of pleasure. “In the bathroom,” she managed to say. “Under the sink.”

I felt my brows rise, but I got up and walked to the en suite bathroom. Under the sink was a basket with a handwritten note: Compliments of the McQueen Inn! It was filled with emergency supplies in case a guest forgot something—sunscreen, makeup wipes, antacids, children’s Tylenol, pads, tampons. And two condoms.

I grabbed the condoms and walked back to the bedroom. I knelt on the bed between Luna’s knees and put one condom on the nightstand for round two. I opened the other and rolled it on.

Luna watched every move, her cheeks flushed the most beautiful color, her breath quick. That look made me a beast. I braced myself over her and kissed her deeply, tasting her. Then, in a swift motion, I thrust inside her.

Luna gasped, arching back. “Oh, my god,” she said.

I would have said the same thing if I were capable of speech, but I wasn’t. I thrust again and again as pleasure overtook every part of me, as Luna dug her heels into my back, as we rumpled the sheets. I wasn’t going to last like this, but I let myself indulge for a few blissful moments, taking her exactly how I wanted her.

When she was gasping, I let up and pulled out of her.

“What are you—” She only got out half of her complaint before she was speechless again. I stroked my thumb over her clit, very gently at first, then a little harder. When her breathless squirms told me I had the pressure just right, I bent down and put my mouth over her nipple, teasing and sucking.

Luna said my name, and then she shouted my name, so I knew I was doing it right. It was tempting to prolong things just to torture her, but I was almost as impatient as she was, so the torture would have to come later. When she switched from my name to saying Don’t stop, please don’t stop, I concentrated and followed orders.

I watched as her orgasm hit, watched her body, the flush on her skin, the sheen of sweat, and finally I found my voice. “You’re so beautiful when you come,” I said. “So beautiful.” I slid my hand up to the back of her knee, pressed her knee up toward her shoulder, and entered her again.

Then we were both lost. I had no idea what I said—that she was incredible, that I wanted to devour her, that I’d wanted her forever. Or maybe I only thought those things. The storm raged and the bed made alarming sounds and the sheets became a twisted mess. Luna’s nails dug into my skin as she came, incredibly, for a second time, and then I followed her, saying—what did I say? I didn’t even know. All I could hear was the blood pounding in my ears.

I came to, lying on my back, sweaty and out of breath. Luna lay on her back next to me, sounding like she’d just run a marathon. I realized I wasn’t touching her, so I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, then the inside of her wrist.

Luna rolled over toward me, wrapping an arm around me and tucking her face against my neck. I turned the lamp out and relaxed into her, stroking the back of her neck beneath her hair, down between her shoulder blades, up and down. She sighed.

Maybe she fell asleep. I wasn’t quite sure. I kept stroking her gently, soothingly, enjoying the warmth of her bare skin, enjoying her breath against my neck as the storm blew outside. I lay there and stared into the darkness, feeling the beat of my own heart.



I dozed, and when I woke, Will was getting back into bed. He’d gone to the bathroom to clean up, which he hadn’t been able to do because I’d been clinging to him like a barnacle.

“You should have just pushed me off,” I said sleepily as he pulled the covers over us.

“Roll over,” was his only reply. I rolled onto my side and he snuggled in behind me, spooning me, his arm over my waist. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been spooned, and it was freaking delicious. Being spooned by Will was on a whole other level. His body fit mine perfectly, and he smelled so good, and I’d just attacked him and he’d been inside me in the hottest sex of my life. Just thinking about it while his skin was against mine made my pulse warm up, even though it was God knew what time and I was exhausted.

“I like it when you’re bossy,” I said.

“Do you?”

“Yes. How long is your refractory period?” I wanted to know, just in case.

“That hasn’t been tested in quite a long time,” he replied politely, and it was such a Will response that I laughed.

“I have such a crush on you,” I confessed.

He seemed to think that over. Then his lips pressed against the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder, making me shiver. “Not quite the right term for it, I think,” he said.

“Maybe not,” I managed to say. You didn’t exactly have a crush on a man who had just given you two spectacular orgasms. “The tattoo was a surprise, though. I would never have guessed it was under your nice shirts.”