“Yes,” Honor said more firmly this time.
“Good. You can go in,” the woman said with a nod to the doors.
“Great. Thanks,” Honor replied and thought it might be weird saying thank you to a woman who had sold Honor a ticket to watch people have sex.
The closest she’d ever come to watching people have sex had been in a movie. Her own sex life with the men she’d dated had been mediocre at best; probably because she’d been gay the whole time and hadn’t realized it for sure until her twenty-sixth birthday. Then, she’d pretended for the next three years that she was straight or maybe bi, but definitely not gay. A year later, at thirty, Honor watched women go down on each other to get herself off at least two times a week and had fantasies of doing much more than that.
The warehouse was expansive. It looked like all one room with several dividing walls installed. The lights were dim but not overly, and there was flowing fabric in a variety of soft colors hanging up around the space, including on the dividers and hanging over them, acting like ceilings of fabric. There were definitely people milling about, but none of them seemed to be talking to anyone, which made sense. It wasn’t likely that many people wanted to tell their friends and family about going to an exhibit like this, so they were probably alone. Then, Honor noticed a bar, which made sense, too, and she decided to get herself a glass of wine since she hadn’t finished hers at home. She showed her ID, which was required, paid, and got her plastic cup filled with red. Then, the lights flickered, and the music began. The melody was slow and sexy – not at all like that awful porn background music – and it worked with the theme of the night. Honor took a sip of her wine, tipped her hat down, and followed the group of people wherever they were going.
She swallowed when she moved around the divider, which had blocked her from seeing anything before. There was a bed with a black comforter and matching sheets, and there was a man walking out from behind another divider as if into the room. He was naked, and he was ready for what he was about to do. A woman followed him out, and she was also nude. Her breasts were perky with already-hard nipples, which made Honor realize that it was cold in here. She looked down at the concrete floor, spotting a few cracks in it, and tried to focus on those and not the man who was climbing on top of the woman on the bed.
When Honor looked up, she watched him enter her without so much as a kiss, which made her wonder if they did that here, and begin thrusting. That not being her thing, she turned and thought about leaving. If this was it, she’d just overpaid to watch something she wasn’t interested in at all. Honor found that thought actually made her sad, which told her that she wanted to be here more than she’d thought. Realizing there were more dividers, she walked along one of what looked to be two corridors separating the area, following a few people but keeping a distance between them at the same time.
The next vignette, if she could call them that, was between a man and a woman as well, but they weren’t on a bed. They were pressed against one of the dividing walls, and he was on his knees in front of her. This wasn’t exactly what she’d been hoping for, but it was better than the previous couple. Honor noticed sounds now. They were starting to build around her, and while the music was loud, it was also just soft enough for her to hear that people were indeed having sex in this building.
She walked on because now, she wanted to at least get a glimpse of everything, even if nothing struck her fancy. After seeing two men together, she began to have hope that she’d see what she wanted to see tonight. The next room was a threesome between a man and two women. The one after that was a foursome with two men and two women. Honor kept walking, turning, and going down the other path back in the direction of the main door. It was then that she saw three women.
She’s missed the beginning, if there had been much of one anyway. She supposed they could’ve walked out, and one could’ve gone down on another while the third woman sat on the other’s face as she received her pleasure like the man who had entered the woman in the first room she’d seen without so much as a preamble. Honor angled her hat down and hoped the darkness covered up her cheeks, now heated. She then stuffed her hands into her pockets to keep them to herself and bit her bottom lip as she watched one very attractive woman rolling her hips as she held on to the brass headboard at the end of the queen-sized bed while the woman beneath her probably sucked and licked her. The woman doing that to her had one hand on that woman’s hip and the other on the head of the woman eating her out, and Honor could not believe she was watching them right now.
“Fuck,” she whispered to herself before she bit her bottom lip again and held on to it, hoping not to draw blood but knowing she needed to do something because if she didn’t, she’d probably say something else out loud and get kicked out. And right about now, Honor never wanted to leave this place.
Then, she heard the sounds of people moaning and grunting even louder than before. They didn’t sound fake, either, which was the disappointing aspect of porn for her. The moans in the videos weren’t real and took her out of the moment, but these sounds at least appeared to be real to her as her ears homed in on the sounds of two women. Honor didn’t want to leave this space, but she also wanted to know if there was more to see. So, she walked toward those sounds and found two women, one on top of the other, thrusting her fingers inside the woman underneath her, who was holding on to an identical brass headboard to the one in the other room.
“Fuck, baby,” the one on the bottom said. “Don’t stop. I’m coming.”
Honor turned away then, feeling like she was seeing something she shouldn’t be, but when the moans grew louder, her body turned itself back around, and she watched this woman come hard.
“Yes! Yes!” the woman yelled before she kissed the one on top of her.
Honor squeezed her thighs together and wondered if anyone could smell her. She’d never been this wet before. Her panties were soaked through, and her jeans were likely about to be as well. Then, she heard more sounds coming from the room she’d just left, so she hurried back over, unabashedly this time, and watched as two women came at the same time.
“Oh, God,” she uttered and felt her clit thundering as she clenched and released her thighs over and over again.
Honor was coming, and she couldn’t stop it even if she wanted to.
This woman was perplexing. Silver stared at her from across a bed where her best friend and said best friend’s girlfriend were currently having sex with each other. The woman had on nice-looking jeans that hugged her ass perfectly. Silver had noticed that when she’d ended up behind her, walking around and checking on each scene in the exhibit. The woman’s fedora was an interesting choice, and Silver kept watching her lower it over her face, which could either mean she was a celebrity trying to hide out or she just didn’t want to be seen here out of embarrassment or maybe shame.
Silver wasn’t someone who understood embarrassment or shame. If she wanted to do something, she did it regardless of what anyone else would think. If she tripped over something in front of a room full of people, so be it. They’d all tripped in a room full of people at least once in their lives, or they would one day, at least. When it came to sex, Silver had never been ashamed to admit what she liked, didn’t like, and what she wanted with a woman. From the age of fourteen, Silver had known that she was only interested in women. Her first sexual encounter had been at sixteen, and she’d known then that she loved sex. Being raised by her grandparents, who were hippies raised by hippies on a commune, had helped Silver feel open to exploring whatever she wanted, as long as she was safe. Her grandparents had given her all the lectures to make sure of that fact.
So, Silver was always safe, and she loved sex. This exhibit was her strange way of saying thank you to the act of making another person come. It had been a pipe dream shared by her best friend, who was now going down on her girlfriend while the fedora woman stared on. Silver never thought the city would approve it, but after doing copious research, she’d found a few loopholes, met a city councilor who was open to the idea, and a year later, they were now here, watching people make other people and themselves feel good, which was what sex was supposed to be about to Silver.
When the woman with the fedora had moved over to the threesome room for a minute, Silver had slowly followed her; again, from the other side of the room. Over there, Silver had watched the three women on the bed and wished she could join them, but that wasn’t for tonight. That was for later. She had watched as the woman across the bed seemed to be winding herself up tightly. Fists had buried deep into the shallow pockets of her jeans as the darkness of the space had covered the audience from view a little while the warm spotlights in the rooms had helped illuminate the performers. Silver hadn’t been able to tell if the woman had been blushing, but she’d guessed that she had. Then, she’d watched the woman clench and release. That had been obvious.
“Fuck,” Silver said to herself.
The woman across from her was getting herself off to this without touching anything, and Silver watched as the woman’s mouth opened and formed the tell-tale O-shape, indicating that she was having an orgasm. At that moment, Silver wanted to rush into her office and stroke herself until she came hard just from the sight of this – not from the women right in front of her, who were there to perform, but from the guest who wasn’t. Technically, the fedora woman wasn’t violating the rules. She hadn’t touched herself, touched a performer, or otherwise indicated that she was here to get her rocks off. When she moved back to watch Silver’s friends, Silver followed her there, hoping she’d do that again or that, at least, she wasn’t on her way out of the exhibit now that she’d come in her pants without touching herself.
Silver watched the woman watch the performance for a few more minutes. Then, she had to reluctantly get back to work. She left the woman standing there as her friends came again and walked around the space, checking in with the first round of performers who had wrapped up and would take a break before going back out there for another and, in some cases, a different show.
The purpose of the exhibit was for people to let out their inhibitions and just enjoy the carnal pleasures that sex could provide. All of her performers were people she’d found to be interested in this concept and had no issues having sex in front of a crowd, assuming some rules were strictly followed. Many of the performers were couples or throuples, and one was a poly foursome. She also had a few solo performers who loved getting off as people watched. The whole thing would only last three days, but Silver wished she could make this exhibit her new full-time job.
As the show director for the art collective, Silver’s job was to bring in new talent and build shows around that talent. The next one they had coming up was a sculptor who worked with stone and water. While his work was amazing and thought-provoking, Silver doubted anything would top this show. It had been her baby, the one she’d worked the hardest to bring to fruition, and she was someone who loved the journey and the destination, not just the destination. She’d always assumed that was what made her good in bed.
After checking in on the performers and the bar, she did one more round before the show was over to make sure no guests were misbehaving, expecting at least one of them to do something stupid, but she didn’t notice anything, and security said they’d only escorted one guy out of the place when his hand went into his pocket for an obvious reason. Silver considered that a victory and went in search of the woman in the fedora. She found her watching one of the solo performers closest to the door. The woman licked her lips as she watched the performer slip her own fingers inside her wet pussy and fuck herself with them. Silver had to admit that that was hot. In fact, she’d watched this performer in the privacy of her own bedroom on many occasions before going down on her to make her come. They hadn’t dated. It had only been sex. And when Silver had been putting the show together, she’d been one of Silver’s first calls to see if she’d be interested.
“Fucking myself in front of people and getting paid for it?” the performer had said. “Hell, yeah. When? Where?”