“I will be careful. I am not stupid. I will keep things professional. But Willow is not like anyone I’ve met before,” I say adamantly, and as I look at my brothers, steel determination settles in my bones.
I will have Willow again. It might not be as soon as I hope, but it will happen.
I have seen extravagance before, but as I walk around this room, it is next level. I am not sure what is in the water here in Baltimore, but even in DC, the elegance at events is more understated. Here, it is on full display.
This is one of the key business events for Harrison and Beth. The governor’s office has brought together important stakeholders across a variety of industries for a formal dinner to build networks, enhance partnerships, and to amplify the Maryland business offering.
My shoulders are stiff due to the pressure I feel about ensuring Tennyson behaves himself tonight. It’s his first big event since I have come on board, and I need to show him and his brothers that there is a tangible difference.
“Willow, you're here!” Beth says, grabbing me in for a hug. She was obviously waiting for me, but I only just arrived.
“Hey, you look amazing,” I say, because she does. Her hair all pinned, a burgundy floor-length gown complementing her gorgeous figure, she looks a million dollars. Just like a first lady should.
I don’t go out a lot, but at least in DC, I know everyone. Here, I know only a few, but that doesn’t stop people from looking at me with interest, the gazes I am getting so intense I am continually checking my attire, wondering if I have a stain on my dress or something.
“So do you, and I am not the only one to think that,” she says with a knowing smile.
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.
“Every man in this room has his eye on you. Not only because you are new to the Baltimore scene and they all love fresh blood, but because you look stunning, and I must say, that soft blue dress does amazing things for your eyes.”
“Oh stop. This old thing,” I tease, and we laugh. We are both smart women; there is more to us than just the fashion we wear.
I haven't worn this dress in a while. I work so much that I am usually in yoga pants in front of the computer or in corporate attire for my meetings. Formal wear is something I don’t pull out of my wardrobe very often. I forgot the leg slit was so high, but with little time to choose an alternative because Betty was being needy and wanting to be fed, I decided the chiffon flows enough to hide it, my leg only peeking out when I walk or if I step out on purpose.
“Ladies, you both look beautiful tonight,” Harrison says as he kisses Beth on her temple. The two of them are so obviously in love it is almost nauseating. “Willow, how is it all going with Tennyson?” He gets straight to the point.
“The past few weeks have been great. Very productive,” I say with a nod as I offer him a beaming smile. I don’t want to go into specifics. One, because this is not the time or place, but two, my loyalty now lies with Tennyson. Regardless of the fact that Harrison reached out to me first. It is one of the reasons I am so good at what I do. I compartmentalize the noise and chatter and remain laser focused on my client. When they need me, I am there. Always in their corner.
“So he is behaving himself, then?” Harrison presses.
“So far, so good.” I placate his concerns before looking around the room for the man in question. I still can’t spot him.
“Excellent. He was a new man at golf this morning, so I hope that continues. Beth, we need to go over to the bar. I see someone we should have a chat with,” Harrison says, already pulling her away.
“See you at the table later.” I smile and watch as the two of them move as one across the room, like they own the entire country. I can actually picture them being the first family, and I am almost positive that Harrison should make a run for it in the next few years.
“Stunning couple, aren’t they?” a man says, coming to stand next to me. I look at him, and like all men in this room, he looks dapper in his suit. His hair dusted with silver, his shoulders are broad, and he is very, very handsome.
“They sure are. Wonderful leaders of Maryland,” I say with a smile.
“Geoffrey Newcomb,” he says, extending his hand.
“Willow Valentine.” I accept it, shaking firmly. His grip is solid, his hand large and encasing my own.
“I haven’t seen you at one of these things before?” he prods subtly with a slight rise to his eyebrows.
“First time,” I say, matching his grin. He is flirting with me, and while the woman in me is extremely flattered, I know exactly what he is. Trouble.
“Well, now I am glad I came,” he says, taking a sip of his drink, his eyes sparkling in the lights as they run down my body and back up again. I can tell he is a man who always gets what he wants. I bet no one has ever said no to him.
“I’m fucking not.” Tennyson's voice sounds from my other side, his hand warm as it runs around my lower back. His fingers curve around my waist and he pulls me slightly toward him.
“Tennyson,” I growl at him as my brow crumples. This is not the professionalism I was expecting from him tonight. But his eyes continue to focus on Geoffrey.
“Thought you kept your distance from these things, Geoffrey.” I look between the two men, their gazes locked on each other. Tennyson appears sober, but a little rattled.