“It’s because of you she has been taken, isn’t it?” he spits out as we wait here for the police to show, but they are taking their time. Time I know I don’t have. I thought I felt bad about my playboy history before. I thought the paternity test and the potential of being a father to a one-night stand I don’t remember was the worst that could happen to me.
Turns out, I was wrong.
“Yes. Yes, it is.” I’m honest with him. He’s a smart kid; he doesn’t need me to sugarcoat it for him. It is all because of me that Willow is gone, in danger, probably hurt, in pain. My stomach clenches and my chest aches. It reminds me of the feelings I had when I looked at Nanny Helen all those years ago. I feel useless, not able to help, not able to get to her, fight for her.
“Why didn’t you protect her? Why didn’t you take some of your millions of dollars and have security following her? Why did you come near her at all?”
He is getting upset and I am surprised it took him this long. He has been pretty quiet all afternoon, taking in all of us adults as we strategize and discuss what to do. He is right, though. I should have. My head has been so busy focusing on myself—my reputation, my business, and the expansion into Singapore—I missed focusing on the number one priority in my life. Willow. As a general rule, I don’t have security. I’ve never needed it. Harrison and Ben both have it. At their place, following them every day. But I always thought they had good cause for it since Harrison has his new role as governor. Ben has been through so much with Emily, I don’t think he will ever let his guard down. Their security is tight, always following them. But not for one second did I ever think Willow would become a target. I didn’t think that Geoffery Newcomb or his daughter would be dangerous. To me or my family. I should have known better. Everyone wants something.
“I can’t stay away from her. I can’t. I love her,” I say to him, my voice cracking as I speak, feeling heartbreak at knowing that I did this to her. It is because of me that she is God knows where, no doubt hurt, hopefully still alive.
“Tenn,” Ben interrupts our conversation, and I stand quickly, knowing he has news. My brothers and I step to the side as Josh eyes me with venom.
“Turns out Geoffery Newcomb has a bit of a history. He has been up on assault charges before, against his ex-wife about a decade ago. She hasn’t been seen publicly for the past five years. Also, he has been in court for speeding, drug possession, and pornography charges more recently,” Ben offers. My eyes thin. I knew he was an asshole, but I didn’t know how bad he really was. Again, I wasn’t paying attention.
“Pornography?” Harrison asks.
“Believe me when I tell you, you do not want to know the details,” Ben tells us with a shake of his head.
“Fuck…” Eddie says, rubbing his face.
“Have we called the sheriff in Kentucky?” I ask, looking at them all.
“I’ve made calls. You were right. Newcomb has a large ranch in East Kentucky. I have the local sheriff driving there now to make a welfare check. But, Tennyson, it’s in the middle of nowhere. It will take the sheriff's office a couple of hours to get there, and then Newcomb may not even let him enter the property, stalling it all even more,” Harrison says.
“Jet is on standby,” Eddie says, looking at me.
“Let's take the chopper.” I need to do something. We already have Geoffery’s confession that he has her. “I can fly us straight there. Eddie, can you navigate?” I ask my younger brother, because he is the best at directions. The other two are hopeless.
“Are you okay to fly?” Ben asks, concern lacing his features.
“I need to do something. I can’t just sit here,” I grit out.
“You need to answer Geoffery’s call,” Eddie says, being the more reasonable one.
“He said he would call in an hour. That was three hours ago!” I can feel myself getting worked up again. My emotions run from anger, to sadness, and everything in between today.
“Something must have happened,” Ben says, deep in thought, and fear wraps around my throat.
“She is a fighter. She will fight.” I swallow roughly as I think about Willow and what is happening to her right now.
“You guys go. I will stay here and talk to the police. They are due to arrive any minute. See if I can’t get them to hurry up. Lord knows, our family has provided them with enough work these past few years, so surely, they can start being a bit quicker and smarter with their output,” Harrison says, looking over at Beth, and I see her nod at him, their silent communication astounding. His hand lands on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze.
“I will get the team to put a rush through on any flight permits and clear things with the Kentucky air control. I will call them in transit,” Ben says as Eddie and I are already getting our things.
“Where are you going? What’s happening?” Saide asks, walking in from the kitchen, seeing us move. Her face is panic stricken, and her hands rub her upper arms like she is cold. Emily comes to stand next to her, putting her arm around her in comfort. I see her pleading with me with her eyes. The weight of expectation that rests on my shoulders is heavy. Ben gives Em a quick kiss before he and Eddie walk out the door.
“I’m going to get her,” I grit out, before my eyes move to Josh, who comes to Saide’s other side. He looks at me, his nostrils flaring.
“I’m going to get our girl,” I repeat to him like it is a promise, and he nods to me in understanding before I run out the door. I move quickly. Eddie already has the car going, and I jump in, joining my brothers, the three of us speeding out of the usually quiet street. Eddie races us to the nearby airport where my chopper has been stationed and fueled within the last hour, waiting for us. A few paps follow, but I know they will get no further images, as the airport is private. Not a visual of us or my chopper will be seen from outside the security zone.
I sit deep in thought. I would give him all of Singapore and marry his daughter in a heartbeat. I would do anything to have Willow safe and alive and home. But Geoffery never called back. And that makes me unsettled. Something has happened. Something not to his plan. I just hope that Willow is safe and unharmed and can hold on until I get there. My brothers and I are on our way.
Because experience tells us the law is too slow, we need to do this ourselves.
As I peel open my eyes, I feel the familiar burn immediately, my wrists and now ankles feeling like they're on fire. Coupled with the excruciating pain in my foot, I nearly vomit as my head spins. I move around, panic starting to set in again, my bare foot covered in blood. I wiggle my toes, ensuring they still work, and feel searing pain shoot up my leg.