Like it has all week, my phone now rings again, and I march to it and snatch it up. If this is another private number, I am going to throw it against the wall. But Tennyson's name lights up my screen, and I take a deep breath, relieved.
“Hey…” I say into the phone as I slump back on my sofa. God, I miss him.
“Hey… You okay?” he asks, sounding concerned. I guess I am not covering my stress very well.
“Yes, sure,” I say, pushing a smile onto my face, trying to sound more chipper. There is no way I am telling him about his mother’s call just now. He has enough to worry about.
“Look, I know you don’t want to talk about us. I know you need to focus, but—”
“I’m ready. I’m ready to talk,” I say too quickly, sounding keen, because I am. I am so ready to just try to move forward now that I have a handle on things.
You are?” he asks, surprised.
“Yes, I am. I am sorry, Tennyson. I am sorry for not talking earlier, for making you leave my house last week. I am sorry I let you down with this.” Tears prick my eyes as the sorrys come thick and fast.
“Willow, stop. There is nothing. Nothing. You need to be sorry for. It is my past behavior, and it is all occurring because of me.”
“Do you want to come over so we can chat in person?” I ask quickly, wanting nothing more than to see him right now, to hug him.
“Urhhhh,” he groans. “I really want to, but I got a late flight tonight to Singapore with Eddie. I was just calling to let you know. I didn’t think you would want to see me yet, but I can cancel it,” he says brightly, and I know he would actually prefer that from the hope in his voice. But we have to stick to our plans, especially where work is concerned.
“No! No. You go. Singapore is important and getting away from the local media and making this big business deal will be a good step in the right direction. Your Business News interview is going live in the next few days, so it will all actually tie in really well. We can talk when you get back.” As much as I want to see him and talk to him properly, Singapore is an opportunity that might disappear if he waits too long.
“Willow…” he growls like a moaning teenager, and I laugh. I haven't laughed all week, and it feels so good.
“God, I miss you,” he murmurs, and I already feel lighter. This is my Tennyson.
“I miss you…” I reply quietly. “When will you be back?”
“I was going for a week, but I will be back in a few days now.” I laugh again, tears stinging my eyes.
“Get Ben to drop Bob off here. I will watch him while you are gone,” I offer, because I know Bob is tearing up Ben’s beautiful estate, the gardens getting shredded.
“Okay, three days tops, and then I will come straight to your place as soon as I land.” I nod, even though he can’t see me.
“Three days,” I say, and I hear commotion behind him.
“I’ve got to go. I just pulled up to the jet.” I imagine him in his flashy town car, pulling up to his private jet, ready to travel to the other side of the world.
“Okay, be safe. Get the deal done.” I already miss him even more.
“I’ll be back before you know it. And then we have a lot of catching up to do,” he says, and I can hear the relief in his tone. “See you soon, Cupcake,” he adds sweetly, and I sigh.
“Bye, Tenn,” I say, I love you on the tip of my tongue, but it doesn’t pass my lips. That is something I want to reserve for when I see him. Our phone call ends, and I lie on the sofa, taking a few breaths. My body feels battered, my head hurts. I have been juggling so many moving parts, I am utterly exhausted. So I snuggle in, and within a minute, I fall into a deep sleep.
It’s so hot, my shirt is sticking to my chest, and sweat drips down my back. Eddie and I have spent the last two days in Singapore, and the project is now all signed.
A few meetings, a fancy dinner, some handshakes and signatures, and I just contracted the most expensive and largest construction development in the Asia region, bigger than any other Rothschild Construction have ever done before. Eddie will oversee managing the tenancy and leasing arrangements. Willow’s advice about Singapore is now all cemented, with the best location, best builders, and best team. We break ground in a few months, and this whole project is more seamless than any other I have had. Seems everything Willow touches flows like gold through my life.
“It’s fucking hot as balls,” I say to Eddie as we both look out of the car windows.
“I feel like I am swimming in sweat,” Eddie acknowledges as we pass rice paddy field after rice paddy field. It is a beautiful part of the world, but it’s just not where I want to be right now.
We landed in Indonesia two hours ago. The jet is waiting on the tarmac for us. The urge I have to get back to Willow festers on my skin. As the car pulls up outside a shanty on the outskirts of a small city in the southern region, I see kids playing on the road. Not with scooters or bikes, but with sticks and what looks like a very well-used soccer ball. The sight of which reminds me of Josh and his mean right kick. Little punk.
“This it?” Eddie asks, looking out at the street.