“No. But enough experience with them to know that you give them an inch and they will take a mile,” I say, and he laughs, making me smile. I take a sip of my champagne, needing the quench, and maybe even the buzz.

“Isn’t that the truth. When Katerina was younger, she snuck out of the house. I knew, of course, and had her followed and waited for her to get home. She tried to sell me some excuse that she was shopping for a Father’s Day present. But I couldn’t understand what shops would be open at eleven p.m. on a Friday night and why she needed the young boy down the road to help her.” He chuckles at the memory.

“So she was a handful as a kid, then?” I ask, keeping the conversation going, my eyes looking from him to around the room and back again.

“Always has been. She has taken a shine to Tennyson. Not my ideal candidate for the job of being with my daughter, but I am afraid she has me wrapped around her little finger. I would do anything for her and to see her happy.”

“My father is the same. Nothing is too much for his girls,” I say, thinking of my dad whom I don’t see enough of these days.

“I’m sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. Tennyson and I are business associates who don’t always see eye to eye on things, so I apologize if I overstepped earlier.” His apology takes me by surprise. I have read up a little on Tennyson's business and his competitors. From memory, Geoffery Newcomb is the main one vying against Tennyson in every aspect. The two of them obviously don’t get along, yet maybe he isn’t as much of an asshole as I assumed he was from the information that was given to me.

“Let’s start over, then. Hi, I am Willow Valentine. I am here as a guest of Beth and Harrison.” I offer my hand to shake.

“The pleasure is all mine, Willow, and I am glad I got to talking to you tonight.” As his hand encases mine, we both smile. There is some activity across the room, and I see Tennyson’s mother has arrived. Now that is a woman I have heard a lot about and one I already know is going to be a handful. I slip into work mode, and my protectiveness of my client and his welfare kicks in as I watch her saunter around the room like she owns it. I quickly look around for Tennyson, and I spot him over in the corner, chatting to his brother, Eddie, his eyes piercing mine. I don’t miss the way his shoulders stiffen when his mother approaches.

“I’m sorry, Geoffery, if you will excuse me,” I say with a small smile, and I leave my glass on the bar to walk over to the corner of the room.

It is time for me to play bodyguard.


The night has barely started, and I already want to fucking kill someone.

“What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Eddie asks from over his whiskey, one that smells amazing right about now.

“Nothing,” I growl, not looking at him, not taking my eyes off Willow, who is laughing and smiling with Geoffery fucking Newcomb over near the bar. She looks amazing. That dress is almost painted on her, the slit up her leg doing nothing but teasing me and every other man in this room, and she doesn’t even know it. Her eyes twinkle in the overhead lights, but I saw them cloud over when Kerry or Katrina or whatever her name is came over. It was a surprise to me that one of my bed fellows was the daughter of my archenemy—yet another fuckup I made. That list gets longer by the day.

I watch them both now with deep distaste on my tongue. It didn’t take Geoffery long; the old bastard saw fresh meat when Willow walked in and is no doubt trying to get her into his bed. Which is not happening, because there is only one bed she belongs in, and it is mine.

“Ahhh, Geoffery Newcomb is here. Harrison and Beth’s way of leveling the playing field in front of the Baltimore business personalities,” Eddie says. “Or is it the fact that he is currently flirting with your publicity manager?” Eddie pushes me, and a growl vibrates from deep in my chest that startles us both. Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise as he looks at me before his eyes flick over my shoulder and his face clouds over.

“Shit, don’t look now,” Eddie hisses, but it is too late. I see my mother walking toward us, and I want to run. It is my usual way of dealing with her, simply walking in the other direction. But given my back is against the wall and Eddie and I are holed up here in the corner, I have no escape route.

“Good evening, my youngest two.” My mother’s greeting is cold, distant, just like our relationship.

“Hi, Mom,” Eddie offers, and she smiles at him. Her eyes then flick to me, and I remain silent, ramrod straight. I fucking hate her with everything in my being.

“Hello, Tennyson,” she remarks, her lips pursing in displeasure.

“Mother,” I grit out, my hands clenched in fists inside my pockets. I feel like I am about to explode. With a room full of guests, and Willow telling me to be professional, I greet her even though I don’t want to. My hand grips on to the fucking cupcake that Willow gave me moments ago, and I feel it pinch into my palm.

“Oh, Tennyson, really.” She scoffs at my lack of enthusiasm for her, and I am about to lose it. To hell with burning Harrison and Beth’s business dinner with a public outburst.

“Really what, Mother?” I spit, and I feel Eddie tense beside me. This is the most my mother and I have spoken in years. The damage she caused to our relationship hit me young but has never dissipated. And usually when I see her, I am either drunk or I remove myself from her presence entirely. I want to scream. I want to yell. Without the whiskey or women to dull it, I found my voice, and I want to fucking use it.

“Tennyson, glad to see you can actually use that voice of yours, As your mother, I haven’t heard it in what…? Since you were twelve?” my mother hisses and brings up memories that need to remain hidden.

I see Eddie out of the corner of my eye watching us both with interest, but I am burning hot. Anger, frustration, and every other negative emotion simmer to the surface of my skin. The need I have to rip this tie from my neck almost chokes me.

“You want to go there? Because I am fucking ready,” I seethe, and I don’t miss her eyes widen. Skeletons don’t stay in closets forever and this one is ready to come out.

“Tennyson, don’t be ridiculous.” She waves her hand at me like I am being absurd smiling at some people walking nearby. God forbid, we are not the perfect family in everyone’s eyes, even though our recent history is often splashed on every local newspaper in the state.

“Really? What—” I spit out before I stop. Warmth encases my arm, her body against my side in an instant, and I take a breath, smelling her scent. Willow.

“Good evening, Mrs. Rothschild. I am Willow Valentine, and I apologize for interrupting, but I am going to steal your son for a moment,” Willow says, already pulling me away. My eyes are now on her, and my heart rate slows a little, my shoulders lowering slightly. I slip my hand into hers easily as we edge around the room, maneuvering between people. She is a woman on a mission, and I don’t stop her, because right now I need air, I need space, and I know she will get me both of those. She leads me swiftly out into the corridor, into a nearby meeting room, and locks the door.

“God, I hate her. I fucking hate her,” I tell Willow as I pace the room, running my hands through my hair before I yank at my tie, trying to get some air into my lungs.