Hollis looked sheepish for half a second before something in the bag caught his eye. He fished out one of the takeout containers. “I love calamari.”

Derek smiled. “Fantastic. Let’s eat.”

Just like that, the awkwardness melted away while they carried the bags to the table and started pulling containers out. Derek ended up moving his place setting from the opposite end of the table to sit beside Hollis so they could share all the dishes. They ate like starving men through the calamari, seafood alfredo, lasagna bolognese, caesar salad, and half a loaf of toasted bread. Derek smiled to himself as the scent of anxiety lessened with every bite Hollis took. His mate liked his carbs.

“Oh my god,” Hollis groaned, munching on a crust of bread. “That was so good.”

“It’s my favorite Italian restaurant.”

Hollis’s sparkling brown gaze swept over his face. “With good reason,” he finally said.

“What is it?” Derek asked, taking a sip of his wine and leaning an elbow on the table.

“I don’t know.” Hollis shrugged. “You just don’t look like the kind of man who has a favorite Italian restaurant…or a favorite any restaurant.”

Derek chuckled. “What type of man do I look like?”

“Like the kind who smashes skulls and drinks the blood of his enemies or something.”

With a twist of his lips, Derek shook his head. “That’s a vampire thing. Hellhounds like fast-food and fine dining and overpriced coffee just like anyone else.”

“Good to know.” Hollis picked at the remnants of bread still on his plate. “Sorry, I’ve been super weird. I’m not great at social stuff at the best of times, and this…”

“Isn’t the best of times.” Derek nodded.

“Yeah.” Hollis’s voice got quiet as he looked down at his hands.

“Does your uncle always grab you like that?”

Hollis’s head snapped up, eyes wide. “Oh, he was just—”

Derek felt his enforcer expression falling over his face. “Don’t do that. I know it’s new, and I know it’s weird, but you’re my mate now. Does he grab you like that a lot?”

Hollis licked his lips. “Sometimes.” He gave a little chuckle, but it didn’t sound happy. “It’s just the timing of this thing. I’d finally—” He cut himself off, biting at his bottom lip and shaking his head.

When he didn’t continue after a moment, Derek touched his hand. “You’d finally?”

“I’d finally gotten away from him. He’s been my guardian since my mom died when I was thirteen. When I turned twenty-one, a trust fund from my maternal grandparents let me pay off my student loans and move into my own apartment. I had a job at the library. I was good, and he had no hold on me anymore. And now…”

Something dark and protective swelled up in Derek’s chest. “Now, he still has no hold on you.”

“You saw him. He wants something out of this. I don’t know what, but he won’t stop until he bullies me into doing whatever it is.”

Derek leaned forward, catching Hollis’s chin in a gentle grip and pulling until Hollis lifted his gaze. “No, he won’t.”

Hollis’s gaze searched Derek’s face. Letting out a little resigned breath, he nodded. “Okay.” He lifted his chin out of Derek’s hold and sat back in his chair. “So, what now?”


“Let me guess, along with a love of Italian food, you also have a completely normal relationship with Netflix.”

Derek chuckled. “I’m as behind on getting through my watch list as everyone else.”

Hollis tilted his head. “What’s your favorite show?”

“Great British Baking Show. Yours?”

“It’s a toss-up.”