* * *
Once they were behind the closed door of their apartment, Jake pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“I’m guessing your sister wasn’t kidding, huh?” Cane said, turning to face him and sliding his arms around Jake’s waist. “You really are a worry wart.”
Jake pulled him close, hugging Cane to him and pressing his face into the crook of Cane’s shoulder. “I don’t think it’s fair to call me a worry wart when there’s a legitimate reason to worry. These men, whoever they are, obviously have a problem with humans being mated to paranormals and have decided to take it out on you and Hollis. I think I’m allowed to worry.”
Cane squeezed him. “It’s definitely not ideal, but we beat them back tonight, and the hellhounds will be on the hunt now.”
“Yeah.” Jake held Cane a little tighter. “Thanks for having my back tonight.”
Cane tensed in his arms and pulled back.
Confusion furrowing his brow, Jake lifted his head and met Cane’s intense green gaze.
“You don’t ever have to thank me for that. I know we didn’t get off to the best start, but I’m in this. I’m with you, and I’ll always have your back.”
A slow smile spread over Jake’s face. “So am I. I’m with you, too.”
Cane rushed forward, pressing Jake back against the apartment door and sealing their mouths together.
Jake moaned, surrendering to the hot slide of Cane’s insistent tongue, and gripping his hips firmly. He wanted this man. Wanted everything he had to give. Pressing forward, he walked Cane backward, steering him toward their bedroom.
Cane broke their kiss, pressing one more chaste kiss against Jake’s mouth, before he turned, grabbing Jake’s hand, and tugging him down the hall.
“Not moving fast enough for you?”
Cane glanced over his shoulder, flashing a smile. “Not remotely.”
They made it to the room, both of them shedding clothes the moment they were over the threshold. Tumbling into bed naked, Jake hummed against Cane's mouth as their bodies pressed together.
“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” Cane rasped against Jake’s jaw, moving down to press open-mouthed kisses to the side of his throat.
Jake threaded his fingers through Cane’s thick red hair, dragging his mouth back up so he could kiss him some more. “So are you. Good to know you appreciate the view, though.”
Rocking his hips forward, Cane’s hard cock slid over Jake’s hip. “I thought it was obvious how much I appreciate the view.” He stopped, bracing himself over Jake, green eyes piercing. “How much I appreciate the whole package.”
Another slow smile spread over Jake’s face, small and soft, and he knew he must look like an absolute sap, but he couldn’t help it. “Come here,” he whispered, reaching up and getting his hands back in Cane’s hair. Humming as their lips met again, Jake shifted, opening his legs so that Cane settled snugly between them. The answering groan from Cane made heat spear through Jake’s belly.
“Fuck, I want you so bad,” Cane whispered against his lips. He rocked his hips again, sliding the lengths of them together where they were trapped between the flat planes of their stomachs.
“Then have me.” Jake took Cane’s face in his hands, wanting to see his eyes. “Have me,” he said again, breath warm in the narrow space between their faces.
“Fuck,” Cane groaned, rocking his hips again and claiming Jake’s mouth. There was no other word for it. He stroked and nipped and explored, all the while working their hips together, building the heat and intensity between them.
“Cane,” Jake gasped out. “Fuck me.”
Blindly, Cane reached out, fumbling with the nightstand drawer. “Tell me there’s lube and shit in here.”
Jake chuckled, although it came out breathy and on half a moan because Cane hadn’t stopped the intoxicating rut of his hips. Reaching down, he gripped Cane’s hips with both hands, stilling him. “I want to come with you inside me.”
Stopping his rummaging, Cane looked down at him with a wicked smile. Sitting back on his knees, he said, “On your belly.”
Jake rolled over, listening to the tear of a condom package and the snap of the lube cap. He pushed a pillow out of the way, sliding his arms up and gripping the edge of the mattress.
Cane ran a hand lightly down his spine while he used his knees to spread Jake’s legs how he wanted them. “Up on your knees.”
Jake lifted, digging his elbows and knees in for balance, and let his head hang down.