“Thanks,” Cane said, taking them and wiping the mess off his hand. He leaned back in, giving Jake a quick wipe, too, and tucking him away.
Jake sucked in a breath at Cane’s touch. “Seriously, I’ve never done anything like that before.” He glanced around, eyeing the stores across the sidewalk in front of them and the few people walking.
It wasn’t the busiest street, but Cane was sure people had walked by them. He’d been too focused on the sexy man beside him to notice, though. “I can’t say I’m surprised. You don’t strike me as the type to have a public indecency charge on your record.” Cane arched a brow in Jake’s direction. “Or to have a record, for that matter.”
“Guilty,” Jake said with a little smile. He leaned back in the driver seat and closed his eyes, letting out a satisfied breath. His eyes popped back open a moment later, focusing on Cane’s face before dropping lower. “What about you?” He started to reach over, but Cane intercepted his hand, holding it with his own and shooting Jake a wink.
“You can make it up to me later.”
Jake narrowed his eyes. “I think we should get dinner to go.”
The moment Jake walked into the apartment, he set the bag of take-out on the coffee table and turned to push his mate back against the door. He couldn’t believe he’d let Cane get him off in public. Well, semi-public, but still. That definitely wasn’t like him, and he had full plans to return the favor now that they were behind closed doors.
Cane let out a raspy chuckle that morphed into a gasp when Jake dropped to his knees.
Looking up, Jake met his green gaze. “This okay?”
“Hell yes,” Cane said, threading his fingers through Jake’s hair.
Jake shot him a smile and got back to getting Cane’s dress pants undone. As soon as he had Cane in his hand, he leaned in and licked the half-hard length of him. Leaning back so he could look up at Cane, he stroked, watching his face.
“Harder,” Cane said, hand spasming in Jake’s hair when he firmed up his grip.
Loving the sounds Cane was making, Jake got his mouth back on his mate, pressing his lips around the crown and slowly sinking down.
“Oh god, that’s so good.”
He hummed since he couldn’t exactly smile with his mouth stretched wide and bobbed his head, keeping his lips firm and the suction hard. He braced himself on Cane’s thighs, leaning in and losing himself in the rhythm. Cane babbled and gasped, fist getting tighter and tighter in Jake’s hair.
“Jake,” he choked out a half second before he came hard.
Jake sucked him through it, squeezing Cane’s trembling thighs and gentling his mouth when Cane started to squirm.
“Fucking hell,” Cane said, voice low and raspy. “I don’t think I can move.”
With a chuckle, Jake pressed one last kiss to the head of Cane’s cock and climbed to his feet. He pulled up Cane’s pants at the same time, gently tucking him back into his underwear and zipping him up. “I’ll help,” he said, slipping his arms around Cane’s waist and leaning in for a kiss.
Cane grinned at him and snaked his arms around Jake’s shoulders, sliding his tongue along Jake’s.
Their kisses turned languid, deep, and claiming, until Jake’s head was buzzing with the feel of Cane against him and the taste of Cane on his tongue. In increments, Jake pulled back, pressing little kisses to Cane’s lips, chin, and nose.
Cane hummed, fingers finding their way into the hair at the back of Jake’s head.
Resting his forehead against Cane’s, Jake felt settled in a way he hadn’t since he’d signed the mating contract. At the same time, the true enormity of it revealed itself to him. This man was his mate. For life. Even if Cane decided to dissolve their mating at some point, Jake knew he’d never crave another the way he did Cane right now. Even with the man already wrapped up in his arms.
“What are you thinking about?” Cane whispered into the hair behind his ear. “You’re squeezing the stuffing out of me.”
“Shit,” Jake said, pulling back. “Sorry.”
Cane kept a strong grip on him, stopping him from moving too far. “It’s okay. Just a little sore still.”
Lifting one of his hands, Jake gently touched the dark edge of the bruise around Cane’s eye. The swelling had gone down enough that his eye could open, but the white was mostly red from burst capillaries. “How’s this feel today?”
“Aches,” Cane said with a shrug. “I think I freaked Hollis out for a minute with it. He was worried my mate had given it to me.”
Jake lifted his eyebrows. “And you said?”