“Good morning, mate.”

“Good morning.” Hollis’s expression turned serious. “Thank you for saving me.”

Derek took Hollis’s face in his hands. “I will always save you.”

* * *

Thank you for reading!

A Warlock Called Jacob is next!



Copyright © 2023 by Michelle Frost

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Cover Design by Natasha Snow

Proofreading by AlternativEdits

This book contains adult language and situations and graphic violence.

It is intended for a mature audience.


Jacob Saint paused with his hand on the doorknob. Behind this door was a paranormal council conference room…and his soon-to-be mate. He could see him—Cane Harding—through the small window in the door. Deep red hair, short and tousled into that bedhead style that was somehow so sexy on the right men. This man definitely. Cane had a lean, muscular build, much like Jacob. Right now, he was using that muscle to hold a slouch that couldn’t truly be comfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Jake pushed open the door. He’d heard stories about the mayor’s son. Troublemaker. Rebel. But he’d never met Cane personally and pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. This man was to be his mate, and he wanted them to start with a clean slate. It was going to be hard enough getting to know each other while navigating being a mated couple without preconceived judgments clouding things.

As he stepped into the room, Cane didn’t move at all except for his eyes. His dark green gaze caressed Jake from head to toe and back again. Not knowing exactly what to do now that he was actually in the room, Jake stood there, frozen, and let Cane look his fill.

Cane’s gaze finally landed on Jake’s and held. He unfolded himself from the chair and came around the table. Jake thought he’d extend a hand to shake or introduce himself. Instead, he moved right into Jake’s space, bringing their chests together, green orbs never leaving Jake’s. They were exactly the same height.

Jake swallowed at the scent of him—lemongrass and something spicy, like cinnamon.

Cane moved forward still.

Jake held his ground.

The first brush of Cane’s lips against his shot a jolt of arousal so potent through his belly that he thought he might double over. Then Cane sealed their mouths together and pressed his way inside, and Jake lost all sense of time and place. His entire world narrowed to the hot glide of Cane’s tongue against his and the tight grasp of Cane’s hands at his waist. He brought his own hands up, one cupping Cane’s jaw and the other landing on a toned arm and holding steady.

Behind him, the door opened. Instead of jumping back like Jake thought he would, Cane pulled back slowly, gaze zeroing in on Jake’s again. He looked down at Jake’s mouth with a little smirk, wiped his thumb at a stray bit of saliva at the corner, and then backed away, dropping his gaze and dropping himself back in the chair he’d been in before.

Jake stood there staring—reeling—before he remembered someone had opened the door. Clearing his throat, he turned to find Lenette, clipboard in hand, with two of her assistants hovering behind her.

Lenette raised an eyebrow at him as she moved farther into the room and took a seat at the table. Another woman came in behind the vampire leader of the city that Jacob had only seen at a distance during official functions. Mayor Harding was a short woman, but it didn’t stop her from being imposing. She had the same deep red hair as her son, only with a bit of gray threaded in, and wore her green suit like it was armor.

“Mom,” Cane said, sounding completely unaffected by the kiss he’d just laid on Jake and the audience they now had. “Here to make sure I haven’t ruined your plans already?” Oh, he had a nice voice. Smooth and rich like expensive coffee.

Mayor Harding only sighed and took a seat beside Lenette. The assistants stayed standing by the door.