Derek chuckled. “You’ll give me a big head if you keep that up.”
Hollis rolled to his side, totally unconcerned with the cum cooling on his belly. “We wouldn’t want that, alpha.” He rested his head on Derek’s chest, throwing an arm over his belly.
“You’re a brat.” Derek kissed the top of his head. “And I’m so glad you’re mine.”
Hollis pressed a kiss over Derek’s heart. “I’m glad you’re mine, too.”
* * *
There was a phone ringing. Derek lifted up, careful not to disturb Hollis, who was adorably, deeply asleep. He slid out of bed, making sure Hollis stayed covered and went in search of the phone.
It was his phone, laying on the kitchen counter with a note from Knox. He hadn’t even heard Knox come in this morning. Found this in the street, along with the shreds of your pants, the note read.
Derek shook his head and answered the phone. “Hello, Kerak.”
“Derek, my son, I heard you had an eventful evening.”
“Yes, I did.” Derek closed his eyes. The demon king was the stuff of nightmares for most people, even some of his own, but Derek had always found him to be a fair leader.
“You shifted.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes.” When Hollis had asked him about seeing his real form, Derek had told the truth about the shift draining his energy. But taking demon form also went against Kerak’s orders. Derek’s job as alpha in this city was to protect the paranormals and keep the peace. Kerak didn’t believe that could be accomplished with winged demons flying around and terrifying the humans.
He was probably right.
“I see. Why?”
“To save my mate.”
Kerak hummed like he’d expected that answer. “How is Hollis?”
“A little banged up, but good. He’s sleeping.”
“I’m glad. I can’t berate you for doing everything in your power to protect him, but Derek?”
“Yes, my lord?”
“Don’t make a habit of it.”
The tension building in his stomach eased. “I’ll do my best.”
“I know you will.” Kerak’s voice changed from that of an indulgent, if demanding father, to the hard demon king the world saw. “Find out who did this. I want these HAP people dealt with.”
“They will be.”
“Good. Keep me informed.”
“Of course.”
The call ended. Derek laid the phone back on the counter.
“Kerak? The demon king, Kerak?”
Derek’s head snapped up. Hollis stood in the mouth of the hallway, naked and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The swell of affection in his heart for this adorable, brave man took his breath away. “Yes, that Kerak. He’s my king and the closest thing I have to a father.”
Hollis took that in stride, smiling as he walked into the kitchen and straight into Derek’s arms. “So I’ll get to meet him someday?”
“You will.” Derek leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose, before bringing their lips together.