Page 8 of Claim

I had no doubt I’d have her tonight.

And since no other Dom in the room had held her attention thus far, I know she wouldn’t accept anyone else’s offer…but mine.

How she held herself and interacted with the Doms, conveyed deeply ingrained social training, not the kind received through the tutelage of a patient Dominant, but etiquette classes and high society parties.

She came from money. I should have picked up on that from the quality of her clothes alone and definitely the gems she wore on her ears. Black diamonds if I wasn’t mistaken.

I couldn’t wait to learn what made her so important that she commanded personal introductions from Ventana.

A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth at the disappointment on the enchantress’s features when she turned toward Ventana, who waited for her on the periphery of the room. They spoke for a few minutes, and then he lifted her hand for a kiss before they parted ways, walking in opposite directions.

Her trajectory led her in the direction of the bar. The second she slipped back onto her original seat, she began an animated conversation with the bartender, Tate. Whatever they discussed seemed to have eased her disappointment. At the same time, Tate created a dramatic and social media-worthy production of creating her cocktail, garnering the attention of some of the members of the lounge.

As he readied to pour her drink, I rose from my seat and smoothed my shirt.

It was time for me to make my move if I wanted to keep the goddess at the bar clearheaded for all that I had planned for her.



“A total bust, huh?” Tate asked as he poured my martini.

“Thanks for stating the obvious.”

“I made it extra strong just to take the edge off your disappointment,” Tate smirked and then pulled a jar of olives out, prepping to hand me the drink.

A sadness cascaded over me, showing me how I’d failed at another thing in my life.

“Is this a sign that I expect too much if the most eligible Doms do nothing for me? Maybe something’s wrong with me.”

I couldn’t even explore my sexuality without fucking it up.

“There is nothing wrong with you for being selective. I wish others here were more choosy. They want long term but keep going for the ones who only want short term or commitments that only last the length of a scene.” Tate shook his head. “I see their broken hearts coming from a mile away.”

“I don’t want a relationship. I’m not looking for anything but to feel alive.”

“This will make you feel something. I promise.” He slid the drink in my direction.

Immediately, I lifted it to my lips, taking a healthy swallow. The alcohol, both cool and refreshing, glided down my throat and calmed me.

Tate definitely mastered the art of making a killer martini.

Sighing, I said, “This hits the spot.”

“I’ll make you another when you’re ready.”

“I’d get it ready now. I’m an observer all the way tonight.” I set my glass on the counter and swirled the toothpick holding the olives in my cocktail.

Suddenly, the tingling of awareness I’d felt when I’d first entered the club lounge sizzled over my skin, and the hum of energy around me completely shifted.

I peeked to my side and noticed a few of the Dommes and Doms around me studying someone with cool inspection and then inclining their heads. Whoever they looked at had to be a peer among them. At the same time, the submissives displayed a variety of expressions, from apprehension and anticipation to undisguised desire.

“Who is everyone looking at?”

“Remember our conversation earlier about a certain Mr. Pierce?”
