She deserved so much better than spending her time in this place. She should be surrounded by elegance and beautiful designs, all tailored around showcasing her beauty as if she were a priceless piece of art on display in a museum.
This was no place for someone so precious.
One day soon, I planned to have her wear the bikini of jewels she walked the catwalk in during fashion week. My penthouse of glass was the perfect place for an exclusive showing.
The heat entering her gaze made it seem like she’d read my thoughts.
Done with the insistent chatter between Sharpton and the cops, I strode toward Sophia the second I received the signal I could move.
“We’re getting the hell out of here,” I said to her when I was within a few feet of her. “If I never see the inside of this place again. It will be too soon.”
Just as I reached out to cup her face, one of the cops moved in front of me, blocking me from Sophia. Lucian pushed her to the side, and I tugged her behind me. Whatever these assholes had in mind, I refused to let Sophia become collateral damage.
“What are you doing? I answered all of your damn questions.”
“Why won’t you leave him alone?” Sophia clutched my arm. “He’s innocent.”
“We know your boyfriend is innocent.”
“Y-you do?” The tremor in her voice had me glancing over my shoulder.
Could she believe I had something to do with Randolph’s murder? Well, it was plausible, considering my ties to her brother.
Lucian shifted, conveying he’d about had enough of the bullshit. “Then what is your problem?”
“We have another suspect. One with motive, means, and opportunity.”
All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and my hand on Sophia’s waist flexed.
“Who?” Sophia asked.
In the way her fingers dug into my arm, she’d drawn the same conclusion I had.
We both waited for the officer to answer, and then after an exaggerated pause, he lifted a brow and said to Sophia, “You.”
“What? You can’t be serious.”
I turned just as the other cop who’d come with me grabbed Sophia’s wrists, jerking her away from me.
“Let me go.” Sophia thrashed in the man’s arms.
The lawyer moved in the cop’s direction and started arguing about rights, but my focus shifted back to the fucker who needed to get his hands off Sophia.
“Get your hands off her.”
I was going to punch that son of a bitch in the face.
Before I could move, cops surrounded Lucian and me, forming a barricade around us and preventing any access to Sophia.
“What evidence do you have against her?” I asked while struggling against the two men holding me.
“We know about her grievance with Mr. Randolph and the dismissed complaint she filed with the fashion school about him groping her.”
“That doesn’t mean she killed the bastard. Listen carefully, asshole. If there is one bruise on her wrist, I will fuck you up.” I threatened the fucker gripping Sophia’s delicate arms like he planned to break them.
After everything going on, losing it at the station may not have been the best way to handle it, but at this point, I gave no fucks.
“Mr. Pierce, I suggest you get yourself under control.”