I couldn’t wait to taste the tears she held so tight within.
I scanned the room from my comfortable spot in the back of the lounge area. The other Doms showered this mystery woman with attention, but their smiles never sparked a glimmer of interest in her deep black eyes. Even her companion, Ventana, the most coveted Dom in the room tonight, couldn’t garner anything but a polite smile from her.
A hard woman to impress.
I never found it enjoyable to tame the easy ones anyway.
She reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Those features hidden under the lace mask did nothing to disguise high cheekbones and a stunning face that lay under the material. And those eyes—dark as midnight.
I’d expected her to peruse the main floor or meet up with a group when she’d initially arrived. She’d done neither. Instead, she’d strode in directly to the bar and taken a seat.
She’d wanted some liquid courage as a newcomer to Violent Delights.
Too bad, Ventana had swooped in before she’d finished her conversation with the bartender and received her cocktail.
Good. I preferred my submission given with a clear mind.
The club may allow the one cocktail rule for participants of scenes and more for observers. However, I planned to play and discouraged my companions from partaking in libations. A sip was tolerable, but anything more than that tended to dull the experience.
I picked up my soda, finished the contents of my glass, and continued to observe the enchanting submissive making her rounds in the room with Ventana.
I considered him more on the lines of a social friend—someone to shoot the bull with or catch a game. We knew shit about each other’s pasts and on occasion, we discussed business and world events.
He wasn’t Lucian Morelli, but he’d do in a pinch.
Though it hadn’t passed my notice, he’d avoided me tonight. He’d chosen not to bring over the beauty for an introduction, especially when he’d made a point to meet every other available Dom in the lounge.
Had he kept her away for my sake or hers?
A few of my peers had also noticed from the glances passed in my direction. So, I’d say he’d done it for her benefit.
I clenched my jaw as the familiar pain and guilt seared through my chest.
As if I wasn’t aware of the things circulating about me.
And because I refused to give a reaction or deny anything, I was deemed guilty in everyone’s eyes. I’d never take a submissive for my own again. It would only lead to pain for all parties involved.
The best thing for me was to play at Violent Delights. Enjoy the women within the club’s walls. Let things start and end in the playrooms, and then walk away. I could pretend to be a different man there, not a man haunted by the past, and for a few hours, I could be happy.
No vulnerabilities, no emotions, no long-term entanglements, no pain.
When the urge called, I picked an experienced submissive who knew the rules and understood what I expected.
Even with all the shit spewed about me, I’d never lacked eager submissives to accompany me for an evening of bliss. They all knew my worth and my skill.
And deep down, every fucking one of them understood Lucian Morelli would never let anyone he couldn’t trust through the doors of his establishment.
Lucian Morelli. God, I loved the crazy fucker. He was definitely the man to have at one’s back in a tough situation.
Our connection went back over a decade, and we understood how things played out in the world. For example, first-born sons weren’t always the favorite, protecting your family meant some of them may not like us, and walking the straight and narrow wasn’t always the best choice.
Who was I kidding? Lucian never walked the path of the righteous.
I released a deep breath and settled my attention back on the beautiful raven-eyed submissive, my planned conquest for the night.
I should stick to my norm of experienced companions and stay away from this innocent, but my blood heated thinking of all the depraved things I’d enjoy doing to her.
Would she cry hot tears when I scored her skin with marks tonight? Would she whimper and thrash for more? She’d beg, I had no doubt. She’d scream in pleasure. And she’d come. I couldn’t wait to see her come.