Page 5 of Claim

The shock on Tate’s face was almost comical.

“Wow. I can’t believe I fell for that. But, you know,” Tate paused, tapping his lip. “Now that I think about it. I’ve seen them all together for years. Well, don’t I feel stupid?”

“Now it’s your turn. What juicy encounters have you had recently? I know you moonlight at that swank place in Midtown where things get crazy.”

His eyes grew wide. “Keep that quiet. I don’t want anyone to find out.”

“Do you honestly think Lucian doesn’t know? Get real.” I rolled my eyes. “Come on, give me something. I spilled some tea.”

“Fine. First, tell me if you plan to play spectator or participant tonight?”

I lifted a brow at his nosiness, and he matched my stare and waited.

With a sigh, I answered, “It all depends on if I find someone of interest after I peruse the vicinity.”

“Well, if you are perusing. Then I wanted to give you the four-one-one on a member.” He leaned forward so only I could hear what he had to say.

I followed suit and angled my ear toward him. “I’m listening.”

“His name is Damon Pierce.” He waited as if expecting some sort of reaction.

I thought for a few moments, scanning my memory. Slowly I pieced it together. Yes, he recently won the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal. He was the go-to man for design work and construction in New York. His most recent project, a living garden high-rise, would open in a few weeks.

Outside of business, I’d never heard anything about him. Which meant he liked his privacy. More than likely, not someone I’d run into with my line of work or lifestyle.

To verify, Tate and I were thinking of the same person. I asked, “Are you talking about the world-renowned architect with a reputation for his unique structural concepts and exorbitant price tags?

“Among other things.”


“He’s the type of Dom every sub needs to watch herself around.”

This pause thing he did every time he made a statement was starting to annoy the hell out of me.

I cocked my head to the side, giving him a frown. “You can’t start divulging information and then leave me hanging. Get to the details. Lucian vets all members. He wouldn’t let anyone in who breaks his rules.”

“It’s not my place to know why Mr. Morelli does anything. My information says Mr. Pierce is dangerous and not someone you want for the long term. Play with him, but never let things go further.”

Now that sounded ominous. Sometimes hearing gossip was so annoying. It took a lot of effort to decipher the truth among all the embellishments and drama added in by the storyteller. I’d been the subject of so many tales that every time someone recounted an event, the person conveying the incident added their own spin on the circumstances.

“What do you mean dangerous?”

Tate looked to either side of him, ensuring that no one could hear him. “People said he’s a murderer.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m serious. They say his last long-term submissive grew too attached and refused to accept when things ended with them, so he got rid of her.”

The idea of someone going to such lengths made me shudder. Wouldn’t it have been easier to tell them to get lost or kick them out? There was something very strange about the rumor that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.

“Does that mean he doesn’t have a current submissive anymore?”

“Correct. Mr. Pierce occasionally comes in, enjoys his time, and then leaves. Those who play with him know he isn’t looking for anything beyond the night. Though they all think they can change his mind.” Tate shook his head. “Idiots.”

“And they’ve heard the rumors?”

“It’s an open secret here. No matter the danger, he still attracts willing partners for an evening without trying. He draws them like bees to a flower. Outside of the club is where no one mentions it. So either people ignore the rumors, or someone went to great lengths to keep it from the public.”