“You were saying?”
Her lids snapped open. “You’re a good-looking man. What we have is called attraction.”
“We definitely have attraction in spades.” I brushed my lips against hers. “I could grow attached to you, Sophia Morelli. You are so fucking addictive.”
She circled her arms around my neck and climbed over my thighs to straddle my lap. However, a knock sounded on the door before she could situate herself.
Resisting the urge to clench my teeth, I glanced at the clock on the wall.
The three-hour mark. The maximum time limit for club members using private rooms.
I was part of a group of Doms who were exceptions to the rule. But not tonight. It looked as if Lucian wanted me away from his sister. I’d better get ready for a visit from the asshole.
“It looks as if our time in the room is over.”
She released a sigh. “I knew it would come.”
I offered her my hand, and she slid from my lap.
Over the next few minutes, we both dressed, preparing to leave. Watching Sophia set her façade back into place step-by-step fascinated me. It was as if every layer she added, from her makeup and clothes to her jewelry and shoes, added another level of armor.
Once she finished, the innocent Sophia I’d unwrapped had all but disappeared under the guise of the Sophia Morelli the world saw.
“Will I see you again?” she asked after I walked her out of the playroom and to the hallway near Lucian’s private exit for the club.
This was the moment I had to do it. I couldn’t wait any longer. Being a bastard to a woman wasn’t in my nature. Yeah, I enjoyed all that came with kink but purposely hurting them. No. I wouldn’t be like my father, who enjoyed it like a sport.
I’d made a vow never to become that bastard. It was better to be honest than to tell a lie.
Shit. I’d hurt her no matter what I’d said.
I shook my head. “No. We should never encounter each other again.”
Hurt and confusion cascaded over her beautiful features. “I don’t understand. You said you could grow attached to me.”
“That’s the issue. I’m not good for you, Sophia. I’m trying to be a gentleman. You don’t want any part of who I am.”
“Isn’t that my decision?”
“No.” A frown marred her face, but before she could argue, I continued, “What you experienced tonight isn’t even the beginning of all I want to do to you. You saw the gentle side of me. That’s not who I am the majority of the time.”
Her eyes flared with desire. “What would you do if you weren’t gentle?”
“I want to bind you, gag you, fuck you, destroy you, make you mine inside and out.”
“I don’t understand. Why is that bad?”
“Because in the end, I will break you. I am everything that is wrong for you. It would be best if you ran from me as far as possible. I am the worst thing that can happen to someone like you.” I shook my head, gripping the back of my neck.
“I’m not afraid of you. I want to explore more of what we did tonight and go further.”
Fuck. She just wasn’t listening.
“You’re too innocent and don’t have any concept of how far I can go.”
“You can show me.”
“No. I want a submissive with experience who knows what I expect of her. When I come here, the last thing I want to do is train anyone.”