I make my way across the park, heading for my car in the lot. Climbing in, I drive downtown to Rex and Nico’s house with the windows down, enjoying the breeze. I crank the music up and sing along to the radio.

A loud rumble catches my attention as a Harley moves past me. The lights ahead turn red, and I stop behind the biker. His booted foot balances his bike as he watches the lights. I take in his cut, see the Chaos Demon emblem on the back, and wonder if it’s the mystery man from the other night. Talk about serendipity. You know, if you believe in that crap.

I keep my eyes on the bike, and as the light turns green, a white van speeds past, making an illegal turn, and nearly takes the bike out.

I hit the brakes, my heart in my throat, as my car stops an inch from the bike’s back tire.

“Holy fuck!” I curse.

The biker rips his helmet off. The cars behind me start honking, but he ignores them as he turns and looks up at me. Not mystery man, I realize. But that doesn’t mean the man isn’t gorgeous. If all the Chaos Demons are that sexy, maybe I should rethink my whole stance on dating bikers.

He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes hold a thank-you in them. We both know that if I had been watching the lights and not him, I would have plowed right into him. I watch as he pulls his helmet back on and rides off.

I follow behind him but turn off when I reach the guys street. Who would have thought ex-bikers would settle down in suburbia?

Pulling into the driveway, I park in front of the garage and climb out, locking my car before waving to the old lady poking her head out of the window next door. She scowls and disappears, making me chuckle.

Miss Charlotte, as she likes to be called, thinks I’m having hot, sweaty, scandalous sex with her neighbors. She has a soft spot for the boys and worries I’ll corrupt them. I don’t have the heart to burst her bubble. The things her boys have done over the years would probably give her a heart attack.

The door opens before I can knock.

“Took you long enough,” Rex complains.

“It took me twenty minutes. Stop bitching at me.”

“Ignore him. He’s hangry.” Nico walks over and wraps his arm around me. “How was your day? You do anything fun?”

“Joined a circus, had an orgy before running away to get married to a stranger I met on the internet in Vegas.”

“You joined a circus?” Rex chuckles.

“Why is it that you find that part so much more unlikely than the rest?”

“Because a circus is the least likely,” he frowns. “You’re too serious to be a clown, too sensible to swallow knives, and not bendy enough to get your leg over your head to be an acrobat.”

“I can if I take it off and hold it up.”

He cracks up as we walk down the hall, through the kitchen, and onto the deck.

“Drink, Jinx?” Nico asks.

“I’ll take a Dr. Pepper.”

He heads back inside to grab me one as Rex moves over to the grill and flips the steaks. The smell of sizzling beef makes my stomach grumble in anticipation.

“Here.” Nico hands me my drink and a plate with potato salad, rolls, and chargrilled corn.

He disappears inside again and comes back with two more plates, one for him and one for Rex. I move to the table and sit at the end, sighing at the reprieve.

“You alright?” Rex asks, walking over with a plate of juicy steaks. He places one on my plate, then one on each of theirs.

“I’m fine. I’ve been on these legs for too long, that’s all.”

As much as I love the blades, they’re not practical to wear everywhere, and a lot of people find them intimidating.

“You need anything?” Nico asks, ever the worrier.

“A foot massage would be nice if you can find them,” I deadpan.