“Daddy issues?”

“More than you know.” Menace slaps my back. “I’m out of here. I’ll catch you guys later.”

“I feel like I’m missing something,” Eightball says as he watches Peep for a minute.

“You and me both. I’ll let Kaz know what went down so he can take a look at him.” I take out my phone and send a text detailing what just happened to Kaz. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I look around the room. “You seen Knuckles?”

“He was in the back with one of the club girls. He has certain tastes, so most of them make themselves scarce.”

“Shit, I thought the club girls were up for anything.”

“Most are, but only a couple are pain sluts. And rumor is that’s Knuckles’s kink. He likes to hurt them while he fucks them.”

I grimace. To each their own.

“Come on, let’s play another few hands, then see what Knight’s up to. I heard his loan shop finally opened today.”

“About time. I thought he’d end up torching the place.”

Eightball laughs. “It’s only day one. Don’t write that off as an option yet.”

We make our way back to the table just as Daisy passes us.

“Hey, boys. Anything I can do for you?”

I look at Eightball, waiting to see what he wants to do.

“You up for taking us both on?”

“You know I am. Let me just drop these drinks off, and I’ll be back.”

“No worries, darlin’.” Eightball slaps her ass as we make our way back to the table so he can collect his winnings.

“Sorry guys, we’ve had a better offer.”

Laughter rings out as I pocket what little money I have left and wait for Eightball to do the same.

We say our goodbyes and make our way over to Daisy, who greets us with a smile.

“You ready?”

“You bet.”

I sling my arm over her shoulder and lead her upstairs.

Knight can wait for a little while. If anyone understands the importance of getting their dick wet, it’s him.



I sip on my shake and people watch, taking in the crowd and enjoying the last of the afternoon sun. The park isn’t overly crowded, but it’s busier than usual at this time of day. Most people have probably seen the forecast for the next seven days and had the same idea as me.

I turn when I hear a kid crying, my eyes landing on a small boy who tripped over the edge of the slide and landed on his hands and knees. I wait, searching the crowd for someone to notice him. I breathe a sigh of relief when a woman a little older than me waddles over, her large pregnant belly leading the way. She carefully gets down to the boy’s level and helps him to his feet while she checks out his knees.

I can’t hear what she says to him from here, but her posture is relaxed and soothing. Before I know it, the boy nods and smiles before running off to play again. It takes the woman a moment and a little more effort to get to her feet, but she manages to do it far more gracefully than I do.

Turning away from her, I watch a man pushing a little girl on a swing. Every time it swoops into the air, she lets out a giggle of delight that’s so infectious that I can feel a smile tipping up the edges of my mouth.