“Let’s change the subject. As sexy as Biker Boy was, I’m not going there. I’m not a princess anymore. I’m just a normal—”

They both burst out laughing at that, so I yank the cushion from behind me and smack Nico in the face.

“You’re anything but normal, Jinx. You’re a bounty hunter with carbon fiber legs and enough pieces of metal in you to set off metal detectors. You’re literally the bionic woman.”

* * *

By the time they leave, I’m contemplating just staying exactly where I am, but I know I’ll regret it in the morning. With a tired sigh, I double-check that the doors and windows are locked before heading to the bathroom.

I forgo showering, feeling too tired. I don’t want to take the chance of slipping. I’ve injured myself one too many times doing that. Instead, I pee, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I pat my skin dry, looking at my expression in the mirror.

“I need a vacation,” I grumble, pulling my strawberry-blonde hair into a ponytail.

Flicking off the light, I stumble into the bedroom and go through my nightly routine. I ensure my wheelchair is in the right spot and wait for Toto to settle at the end of the bed before removing my legs and sliding the sock liners down and over my stumps. Grabbing the moisturizer from the bedside table, I rub the lotion into my skin, ignoring the tingling sensation, before tucking my prosthetics safely out of the way. I maneuver myself into bed, pulling the blankets over me before taking one of my two guns off the nightstand and sliding it under my pillow.

I stare up at the ceiling, the crack in the drapes letting in enough light from the streetlights outside to cast shadows around my room. Exhaustion weighs on me, but my brain doesn’t want to switch off. It’s been a long freaking week, and it’s only Wednesday.

I think about Tina. I heard today from a nurse friend of mine at the hospital that she has discharged herself against medical advice despite being offered help. I hope she wises up before it’s too late. She deserves more, not just from everyone around her but from herself too.

I know what it’s like to want to forget. To just lie down and give up. I’ve been standing at the same fork in the road that she has. We just took separate paths. I hope one day she finds her way back, but it has to be for her. She has to want to be strong for herself, not for someone else, because it’s her life. Every day, you have to face yourself in the mirror. You get a choice: fight to live or die with regrets.

Biting my lip, I think of the man in the cut, wondering how different my life could have been. Shaking my head, I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

Different isn’t always better.



“Prospect!” I yell and grin when three of them rush over to me like good little sheep. “My bike needs cleaning.”

I toss my keys in the air and nod when Spoons catches them. Out of all the prospects, he’s the one I feel might make it to the end. He has more potential than some of the other sad sacks of shit that only want to join the club for the pussy, not the patch. This one’s different.

The others scurry away when I don’t acknowledge them.

Turning back to the table, I watch as Kaz throws his hand and curses.

Mercy laughs manically before dropping a royal flush. “Read it and weep, bitches.”

I chuckle, glad I folded when I did.

“Motherfucker. How do you keep doing that?” Eightball complains before his eyes narrow. “Are you counting cards?”

“Would I do that?” Mercy feigns innocence from her perch on Kaz’s lap.

“Yes, you fucking would.” Eightball snorts as the others around us laugh.

“Alright, woman, let’s go before you fleece the rest of my brothers.” Kaz kisses her temple. She leans back into him with a grin on her face.

“Where are your other men anyway? It’s not often I see you without our president attached to you,” I tease her as she pockets her winnings.

“Wizz is showing him some new gadget he wants for the club.”

“What is it?”

“Not a clue, but as soon as Wizz said it would help keep me safe, he agreed.”

Kaz laughs. “You’d think Scope would be able to tell when Wizz is manipulating him by now.”