“Because if you like me, you can fuck me?” I ask, trying to understand his thought process, but I’m so lost.

“I don’t need to like you to fuck you. There is a lot to be said about hate fucking.”

I swallow hard, and the words slip out before I can pull them back. “Not if it’s all you’ve ever known.”

The knife in Slade’s hand drops to the counter as his angry gaze jumps to mine. Jagger rounds the corner and stands beside me, tipping my head back so he can look into my eyes. Boy, if I thought Slade was pissed, then Jagger looks like he’s about to go nuclear.

“Someone hurt you?” he snarls.

“Not in the way you’re thinking. And maybe hate sex is the wrong term. Pity fucking is probably more apt and I have nobody to blame but myself. I slept with boys who said all the right things, but I was nothing to them.”

“You are not nothing.” he dips his head and murmurs against my lips.

“In the dark of night, I thought they loved me but when the sun came up, the girl they worshiped so reverently became nothing more than a dirty little secret.”

“How old were you?”

“Young–too young. I was looking for love in all the wrong places.”

“So, you were young and naïve. That’s normal.”

I push him away and spin in my chair. “I’m a freak, Jagger. I’m the girl you fuck, not the girl you marry.”

A hand in my hair yanks me backward until I’m arched over the island. and Slade’s angry face appears over mine. “I don’t like you calling yourself names.”

“Why? Everyone else does,” I argue, not sure where my defiance is coming from.

“Nobody else matters.” His eyes drop to my lips, then he shocks the shit out of me by slamming his mouth down over mine.

A sound of surprise escapes me, but he swallows it down as his mouth plunders mine in the most delicious way. It should be awkward as fuck in this position, but it’s not. It just adds to the spontaneity of it all. I jolt when I feel Jagger’s hands on my hips, holding me up as my legs shake, my toes barely touching the floor. His thigh pushes between my legs and rubs against me.

Abruptly, Slade pulls away, his eyes glistening as he stares at me. This time it isn’t anger driving him, but white-hot lust. Jagger pulls me up and eases me back onto the stool as I struggle to swim out of the foggy haze Slade’s kiss left me in.

“You need to eat first,” Slade tells me, his voice firm and brooking no argument.

I look at Jagger, and he winks at me.

“Let the man look after you. It will help balance out all the times he’ll piss you off.”

I nod absently and watch as they both finish making the food. I should offer to help or something, but I’m still processing the kiss. What did it mean? Does it mean anything? Or was it a way to shut me up?

“Here. Eat.” Slade slides a plate in front of me with a cheeseburger and fries on the side. My stomach rumbles in approval.

“Thank you,” I choke out. I take a bite of the burger and groan, my eyes slipping closed. Damn, this is a good burger.

When I realize how quiet it’s gone, I open my eyes and find them both watching me again. “What?”

“Nothing. Good?” Slade asks, sitting on my left with his plate, as Jagger moves to the chair on my right.


We eat the rest of the meal in silence. They seem content, whereas I’m just too chicken to talk about what just happened. Fuck, I don’t even know if I like them.

I’m so full by the time I’ve finished that I have a little food baby poking out, making me grateful I opted for yoga pants.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” Jagger asks, breaking the silence as he takes my plate from me.

If the alternative is going back to the bedroom and staring at the four walls, heck yes. “Sure.”