“I take it they apologized.” He looks from Astrid to me.

I cock my eyebrow, surprised she mentioned us at all.

“Slade.” I offer my hand when Astrid doesn’t answer. He reaches for it and gives it a shake before offering his hand to Jagger.

“Jagger,” Jagger offers, his voice tight.

“I’m James, but I’m guessing you know that. Astrid, you might want to let me go before one of your men tries to gut me.”

She whips her head around and glares at us. “Don’t even think about it. If you lay one finger on him, I’ll kill you both.”

“Threatening murder in front of a cop, no less?” I tsk.

“Ex-cop,” James corrects. “And just saying, ex-cop to ex-soldier, you hurt her again, and I don’t give a shit who you are, nobody will find your bodies.”

“Oh, my God. I give up.” Astrid throws her hands in the air before stomping into the house.

I sweep her up before she gets too far and carry her over to the sofa, where I sit with her on my lap with my arms wrapped around her. Jagger drops down beside us, while James sits in the chair opposite with a grin on his face.

“Happy looks good on you, kiddo.”

“I’m hardly a kid anymore.”

“You’ll always be a kid to me.”

I don’t know if he’s saying that for our benefit, but I nod in acknowledgment at what he’s implying. He has no interest in Astrid in any other way than parental.

“I’m glad you figured everything out.”

“Figuring it out. They’re still in the doghouse,” Astrid huffs, even as she snuggles into me, her ass wiggling in my lap, making my dick hard.

“Yeah, looks like it,” he says dryly.

I laugh, seeing why Astrid likes the guy.

"Would you like something to drink, James?"

"No, I'm good for now. Thank you, though."

After that, we make small talk for a few minutes, and I watch as Astrid smiles and laughs. I love seeing her like this, relaxed and happy. I just wish I got to see it more often. I must get lost in that thought because the next thing I hear has me snapping to attention.

“Honestly, if you’ve changed your mind about what we talked about, that’s fine. I’m happy I got to come out and see you anyway.”

“Wait, no. I’m not changing my mind.”

“Talked about what?” Jagger and I ask at the same time. Clearly, he missed something too.

James doesn’t answer, letting Astrid take the lead. Again, my opinion of the guy grows.

“It’s fine, James. They know about my gift. I just haven’t had a chance to talk to them about this because I wasn’t sure if they would still be here,” she admits, making me tense.

Feeling it, she turns her head and looks at me, regret in her eyes. “I know what you’ve both been saying, but I’ve still having trouble trusting that you mean it. I figured eventually you’d get sick of me and go home. You have jobs and lives that don’t include me.”

“Like fuck. You are our life. Obviously, we haven’t been doing a good enough job showing you that, baby. We will be wherever you are. If you really don’t want to go back, then we’ll stay here with you.”

“He’s right, Astrid. If you want to stay here, we’ll make it work. We don’t care what we have to do. We just want you.”

She sniffs a couple times before bursting into tears.