I shake that thought away, not wanting to take a trip down memory lane, especially not now.

When Slade leaves the room, Jagger focuses his attention back on me. I’m not a tall girl. At five-three, I’m shorter than most of my counterparts. Add in that I have curves, meaning a whole lot of tits and ass, and I’ve always looked very different from the tall, model-type girls I went to high school with. But standing next to Jagger, who is easily six-four and built like he eats small children for breakfast, I feel positively tiny.

“Don’t take his attitude personally. He doesn’t like strangers.”

“Isn’t everyone a stranger until you take the time to get to know them?”

His lips twitch as he lets his arms drop to his sides. “It’s different with Slade. He doesn’t just see strangers; he sees potential enemies. He’s watchful, and like you said, he can be a bit of a dick. But he isn’t usually cruel. Once he’s warmed up to you and he knows you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ll see that he’s a good guy.”

I snort at that. “Sure, whatever you say.”

Sighing, I take a step closer to the window just as a strange whirring sound makes me jump and a shutter begins to drop over the window.

I turn to Jagger, who looks at me before he shrugs. “Like I said, he doesn’t trust easily. Give it time.”

I shake my head and fold my arms, putting a barrier between us. “With all due respect. I don’t have to do anything. I owe you guys fuck all. If anything, today was just the reminder I needed.”

He steps closer and stops. His hands twitch as if he wants to reach for me, but he holds himself back. “A reminder of what?”

“That people aren’t worth it. I should have stayed in my lane. That’s on me. I’ve learned my lesson. Don’t worry, I’ll be the model prisoner, and as soon as you’ve dug your way through my life and deemed me innocent, I’ll go. And if I ever get a vision about any of you again, I’ll keep my damn mouth shut.”



She juts out her chin. The pure stubbornness of it makes me want to bend down and bite it. I’m not sure what it is about this woman, but her sheer defiance does something to me. My cock has been hard ever since she started throwing her attitude around.

I like my women on the submissive side in the bedroom, but I don’t want a yes/no woman. I like to bend them to my will. I like them to have fight in them because it makes their submission so much sweeter. Astrid is full of sass and snark, but beneath that, there is something vulnerable. She is good at masking it, but I’ve seen it poke through before she drops the mask back into place.

I let my eyes move over her, taking the time now that we’re alone to soak her in. She’s got the most spectacular tits I’ve ever seen. And I have to fight the urge to rip her T-shirt off just so that I can see them better. Thankfully, I resist. Not sure that would have made the best impression, especially with the whole hostage thing we have going on.

We might not mean her any harm, but she can’t know that.I drag my eyes from her chest down to her shapely hips and thick thighs before they move up to her flushed face.

“You done?” she asks with bite, but her fingers are fiddling with the edge of her T-shirt.

I take a step forward, crowding her, relishing the sharp intake of breath. “Do I make you nervous, Astrid?”

“If by nervous you mean sick, then sure.”

I grin and lick my lips, her eyes following the movement of my tongue. “I think you’re curious.” I move closer until there is only a sliver between us. “I think you’re wondering how I taste.”

“Close. I was wondering if you take drugs because something is not right with your brain.”

I lean in, my mouth a whisper from hers. Her breath skates over my lips as I speak. “If you’re hoping your attitude will turn me off, you’ll be sadly mistaken. I like my women with a little spunk in them.”

“Please tell me you don’t mean that literally. I’d hate to have to rip your balls off, rendering your baby batter useless.”

I pull back and take a step away from her before I think fuck it and throw her down on the bed. I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a woman before.

“I’ll leave you to get settled in. Wash up, borrow whatever you need, then come out and have something to eat. You might not be hungry, but you should really eat.” I frown, wondering when she last ate.

She folds her arms over her chest, letting me know that if I push harder, she’ll do the opposite of anything I ask of her, just in spite.

With a sigh, I turn around and head for the door. With my hand on the knob, I look over my shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I’d like to know more about you. And not because I don’t trust you. You intrigue me.”

“Wow, I’m honored.”
