“Just tell me when and where.”

With a grin, I tell him I’ll deal with his plane tickets and rent him a car. He tries to argue with me, but I don’t back down. The man is doing enough for me already. When I hang up, I place my phone on one of the loungers around the pool and pull my cover-up off, placing it on top of my cell phone.

I wasn’t sure that was the direction I was going to go when I called James. My main reason had been to warn him about Mandy and what she might do or say when I fire her. But listening to him reminded me that there are good people in the world, people who still want to make a difference. And underneath all the layers of hurt and mistrust, I know I’m not ready to give up being one of them.

I check my watch and set an alarm so I don’t forget when to reapply my sunscreen before walking to the edge of the pool. I take a deep breath and dive in, leaving all my worries behind me as the cool water envelops me. I swim the length of the pool, kicking off the side and swimming back, my mind gradually emptying of everything as I focus on my movements.

When my alarm goes off, my arms feel like wet noodles. Instead of reapplying sunscreen, I decide to take a shower and maybe read for a while. I swim over to the steps and climb out, wringing the water out of my hair, and curse myself for forgetting to grab a towel. Turning to head back inside, I freeze when I realize I’m not alone.

The swirling thoughts and unwanted emotions return with a blast so strong I stumble as Slade and Jagger’s eyes take in my bikini-clad frame.

“What are you doing here?”



I take her in, forcing myself to stay where I am instead of rushing to grab her. The purple bikini makes her violet eyes seem even more vivid. Though I try to keep my eyes on her face, I’m only human.Her curves make my mouth water and my dick hard as I picture her thick thighs wrapped around my head as I eat her until she comes.

“We came for you,” I tell her, taking a step closer.

“Then I’m sorry you wasted the trip.”

Slade walks toward her, and she holds her ground until she realizes he isn’t going to stop. She steps to the side and holds her hands up, but he doesn’t stop until he’s right in front of her.


Her name on his lips flips a switch in her. She steps forward and shoves him. He tries to catch his balance, but he’s too close to the edge of the pool. He falls with a splash, Astrid’s hands covering her mouth in shock as I laugh.

When Slade surfaces and looks up at her, he shakes his head with a grin on his face. “Guess I should be grateful I wasn’t standing at the top of the stairs.”

The comment seems to sober Astrid right away. “It’s not funny. I could have hurt you. Christ, I don’t even recognize who I am anymore.”

“Hey, it’s fine. He’s okay. And let’s be honest, he deserved it. Would it make you feel better if you pushed me in too?”

“No, it wouldn’t.”

Slade swims to the side and hauls himself out, water running from his jeans and plastering his T-shirt to his body.

“There is nothing here for you.”

“You’re here,” I tell her, walking closer, knowing there is no way of getting past me.

“I came here to get away from you. I thought you’d be happy.” She turns to look at Slade. “I thought you couldn’t stand to look at me.” Her anger forces her words out, but it does nothing to hide the crack in her voice as her pain bleeds through.

“I’m sorry. So, fucking sorry.” He reaches for her arm, but she yanks it away.

“Yeah, me too. But don’t worry, you’re safe from me. I don’t own a gun.” She digs the knife in a little deeper.

Slade growls and reaches for her again, pulling her to his chest and wrapping his arms around her as she tries to fight him. She thumps his chest, sobbing and cursing us both before the strength goes out of her.

“Let’s get her inside. She’s been out in the sun long enough,” I say, closing the distance between us.

Slade nods, letting go and taking a step back so I can sweep Astrid up into my arms. Slade strips off his T-shirt and tosses it on the deck before popping open the button on his jeans and peeling them down over his hips. I leave him to it and carry Astrid inside.

“I hope your parents aren’t here, or they’re going to be scarred for life,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood because I know Slade will walk in at any moment, buck fucking naked.

“My parents are dead. There is nobody here for him to scar but me. But wait, you guys already did that.”