“It’s just a game of paintball.” Jagger sighs, but Creed shakes his head.

“To you and me, yeah. But to Astrid, it’s something else entirely.”



I get lost on my way to the garage, so I make my way outside. It’s easier to remember where everything is from out here because that’s where the bulk of my tour took place, especially with so many twists and turns in the building. It’s a nightmare to navigate for someone as directionally challenged as me.

By the time I find the flipping place, Slade and Jagger are already waiting for me. My stomach cramps when I see them, waiting for them to pepper me with a million questions. Thankfully, they don’t—at least not yet. I know they won’t stay quiet forever, but I’ll take the reprieve.

The garage is huge. When I look around, I can’t help but feel like I’m in a car showroom or something. I know there are a few people that live here, but the ratio of cars to people seems excessive.Still, I can’t deny how pretty some of them are.

I spot my baby and hurry over to it. “Hi, Lulu. I missed you.” I lean my head against the door and sigh when I hear footsteps approach.

“You want to take your car?” Slade questions

“Really?” I ask, looking up at him.

“Sure. As long as I can drive.”

“But she’s my baby.”

“And she’ll still be your baby when you’re sitting in the passenger seat.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Is this a penis thing?”

I ignore Jagger as he laughs behind me. Slade shrugs, looking unapologetic, as he pulls the keys from his pocket.

“I don’t use my dick to drive, if that’s what you’re asking. Though it sure is long enough to reach the pedals,” he jokes.

I shove him in the stomach and head around to the passenger side, knowing I won’t win this battle. The last thing I want is for them to change their minds about letting me come.

I hesitate and look at Jagger. “You can sit in the front. There’s more legroom.”

“You sure?”

I nod and hold the door open for him. He smirks before opening the rear passenger door and motioning for me to climb in. I roll my eyes. Definitely a dick thing. I don’t know what it is with opening doors and driving, but they act like they’ll get their man cards removed if they don’t abide by a certain set of rules. I climb inside and wait for him to close the door before he climbs into the passenger seat.

Slade gets in, well, sorta. “Jesus fuck, Astrid,” he curses as he tries to squeeze himself in behind the steering wheel.

I giggle as he adjusts the seat before he turns to look at me. I can’t help but smile at the scowl on his face. “What? You wanted to drive,” I tell him sweetly, and Jagger chuckles as Slade shakes his head.

With a sigh, he makes sure I’m strapped in before he starts my car.

“You ready?”

“Yep.” I nod before turning my attention out the window.

It feels weird leaving this place. I’m an odd mix of excited and anxious. I don’t bother to make small talk. I just take in all the lush scenery. Some I recognize from when I got lost finding the place, but most of it looks like something out of a Hallmark movie.

After moving around a lot as a kid, mostly sticking to fancy places in big cities, this town looks like a place that time forgot. It’s impossible not to feel nostalgic, even though it’s reminiscent of an era way before my time.

I’m so lost in thought that I don’t realize we’ve stopped until Jagger is pulling my door open and holding his hand out to me.

“Thanks. This town is so pretty. I didn’t think places like this still existed outside of movies.”

“I thought the same thing when I moved here.”