“Does she need anything else?”

“No, this was it.”

I wait with him as he locks up, then we walk back together.

“You okay? You’re awfully quiet.”

“And when have you known me to ever be a big talker?” I drawl, making him chuckle.

“Good point.”

He doesn’t say anything else, but I can see he wants to.

When we walk in, Astrid is talking to Creed, her arms waving animatedly as she speaks.

“Hey, Creed, didn’t know you were back.”

“Yeah, about ten minutes ago. Hawk detoured to visit his mom, but I came straight back.”

I grimace at the mention of Hawk’s mom. She loves him. I don’t doubt it. But there is the kind of love that boosts you, and then there is the kind of love that smothers you. And ever since Hawk’s father died… She’s the definition of a helicopter mother. She’s always hovering and tries to be involved in every aspect of his life. So, let’s just say she’s not a huge fan of us since, apparently, we take too much of her baby’s time away from her.

“What were you two talking about anyway? All I could see was her arms flinging around all over the place.”

“Paintballing. Oz is setting up a course. Thought we could all use a way to blow off a little steam. I was trying to convince your girl to join us, but she’s having none of it.”

“What’s the matter, Astrid? You don’t want to play with us?” Jagger pouts, making me grin.

As usual, Astrid’s face flushes from the double entendre. I’ve never thought about blushing as being sexy. I’ve fucked my fair share of women, but I can’t say I’ve ever really been with a blusher. There is something about it that makes me hard as fuck. Maybe it’s the whole innocent thing. It makes me want to do very naughty things to her.

“Behave.” She points a finger at him.

“You should join us, though. It will be fun.”

A shuttered look comes over her face before she smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “I’ll think about it.”

She’s lying. I know I shouldn’t push, but I can’t help it.

“Liar. If you don’t want to hang out with us, that’s fine.” I shrug, not acting bothered.

“That’s not what I said, and you know it. Stop twisting my words.”

“Is it so wrong to want to spend time with you?” I’m being an ass, and I know it, but I can’t help it. I want to know why she doesn’t want to play.

“Oh, leave her alone. Not everyone is into running around and getting dirty.” Creed offers her an out, throwing me a look.

I ignore him and focus on Astrid. “Can’t be that. Our girl likes getting a little dirty.” I grin, but she doesn’t bite.

She looks up before answering in a small voice, “I don’t like guns.” She turns and heads toward the garage, leaving us all to look at each other, confused.

“Besides being pissed off, she didn’t seem scared when we held her at gunpoint, so I don’t think that’s true,” Jagger points out.

“Agreed. Don’t worry, though. I’ll get it out of her.”

“Just tread with caution,” Creed says, looking in the direction Astrid went.

“Are you telling me how to take care of my woman, Creed?”

He scowls at me and flips me off. “I’m saying this might be a game to you, pushing her to see how far you can go, but people have boundaries for a reason.”