“Yes, because it couldn’t just be something as simple as I’m better than you.”

“No, exactly,” Slade agrees, making me laugh.

“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Slade is single,” Astrid deadpans. But as I look between Slade and Astrid, I have to wonder if that’s true anymore.



Things have settled down. I don’t feel like such an intruder anymore, and surprisingly, I like it here. What a difference a few days can make! Sure, these guys are busy and have other things on their minds besides me. But if they still thought I was the bad guy, they’d have made it known. Even Oz seems to have softened.

Getting my laptop back has meant that I’ve been able to put the finishing touches on my project. Taking a deep breath, I press send. Now all I have to do is wait and see what they think. It’s tricky doing it remotely. My setup at home was worth every penny I poured into it, but when I started, I did it with the basics. It’s been kind of cool to strip everything back to that again.

I sign off and shut everything down, rubbing the bridge of my nose where my glasses have been resting before standing up and working out the kinks in my back. Making my way to the kitchen, I pull open the fridge, looking for something yummy to jump out at me. Unfortunately, all I find are ingredients. I blow out a breath and wonder if it would be okay to order a pizza. Security is pretty crazy here, so—

I pause at that thought. If security is so crazy, why was I able to get as far as the front door? Yes, they might have been aware I was there the second I took the turn, but they had no idea if I was armed. Hell, I could have had a bomb, for goodness’ sake.

A knock on the door makes me jump. Shit, did they hear my thoughts? In any other place in the world, the answer would be, of course, no, that’s impossible. But I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible. The fact that I’m here—a person who sees the future, staying with a woman who can heal—speaks for itself.

I creep toward the door, knowing neither Slade nor Jagger would knock. I wish they had thought to add a peephole to the freakin’ door. Again, I’m questioning their ideas about security. I crack open the door and peek out, breathing a sigh of relief when I see it’s Evander. I don’t know the man very well. Heck, I’ve seen him less than the others combined, but he’s never been mean to me.

“Um… Hi. Is everything okay?”

“I’ve been monitoring your outgoing email,” he blurts out. Though I’m not happy about being spied on, I’m not surprised. I expected them to do it. Maybe I should email my gynecologist tomorrow just in spite.

“I figured you would,” I say quietly, unsure where he’s going with this.

“You’re Miss Evo.” His eyes are wide when he says it, making me blink.

“Yeah. Are you okay?”

His face pales as he holds the door frame for support. “You created Abstract Seven. The best immersive open-world action role-playing game in the fucking world.”

I blink before a smile spreads across my face. “You’re a fan?”

He looks at me as if to say, duh. “Understatement. If I didn’t think you’d freak out, I’d propose to you.”

I pretend to consider his words as Jagger walks around the corner, frowning when he sees Evander talking to me.

“Would you get down on one knee for this proposal?”

He drops to his knee before I can say anything else.

“What the fuck?” Jagger asks, but I wave him off.

“Shhh. We’re just getting to the good part. Evander is proposing to me.”

“He’s what?” Jagger yells, storming over.

“You don’t understand. I love her!” Evander yells back, wrapping his large hand around my calf when Jagger tries to drag him to his feet.

I can’t help the laughter that pours from me.

“You are not marrying my girl.”

“I saw her first,” Evander snaps at him.

Jagger narrows his eyes as Evander stands up and faces off with him. I’m laughing so hard at this point that I have tears streaming down my face, and I’m having trouble catching my breath.