“Hi.” Astrid waves back, coughing when her voice cracks.

“Take a seat.” Zig points to the chair at the far end of the table. “You want coffee?”

Astrid looks startled for a second before nodding. “That would be great. Thank you.”

I walk to the table and pull the chair out for her. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and shit, it makes my chest pull tight. I resist the urge to rub it. Instead, I run my finger over the bridge of her nose.

“Everything good?” I ask her quietly.

“Yeah, Slade’s been taking good care of me,” she replies quietly.

“I bet he has.”

She elbows me as Slade laughs and pulls out the chair beside her. “No, don’t worry, Jagger. I’ll get my own chair.”

I flip him off and take the seat on the other side of Astrid.

“Do you want something to eat, Astrid? I can whip something up for you if you like,” Salem offers.

“No, I’m good, thanks. We ate already. Though I won’t say no to whatever it is you’re making over there.”

Salem beams at her. “Sweet tooth, huh? You’ll fit right in with this bunch, then. I don’t know how they eat the crap they do and still look like they’ve stepped out of the pages of a magazine.”

“Men suck,” Astrid agrees as I lean over and press my lips against her ear.

“I do, actually. Suck, that is. I also bite, lick—”

Her hand covers my mouth, muffling the last of my words.

“Are you okay, Astrid? You look a little flushed,” Oz asks, feigning innocence. But even I can hear the mocking tone in it.

Astrid pulls her hand from my mouth as she glares at the man, clearly not intimidated by his size. “I’m fine, and thank you for helping me.”

Oz frowns. “What did I do?”

She smiles at Zig, who places a mug of coffee in front of her before turning her gaze back to Oz. “Thanks for helping me figure out which twin you are.”

“Let me guess, you think I’m the evil one?” He rolls his eyes as if Astrid bores him. Brother or not, I’m going to punch the dick if he keeps antagonizing her.

“No, the dumb one, actually.”

“What the fuck? I’m not dumb. Everyone knows I’m the best twin.”

“What are you, five? I’m starting to wonder if you’re twins at all. Maybe Zig got all the good genes and you’re just the afterbirth.”

Choked laughter bursts out of Zig, and Slade full-out laughs.

“That’s rich. Have you looked in a mirror lately? You look like the offspring of a Disney villain.”

“Please, my parents created perfection, and they knew it, which is why they stopped at just one. Yours took one look at you and started working on your sister.”

“Because I’m amazing, and they wanted another baby just like me.”

“Like Zig, maybe. He was the orgasm. You were the dribble that came after.”

Oz gasps and holds his hand to his chest as the rest of us die around them.

“Your mother didn’t have any more because she sensed evil in you and was worried you’d eat them.”