He looks at the window, then back at me like I’ve lost my mind because the damn shutter is down, so how could anything get through it? Then I see the light dawn in his eyes. He closes the door and walks over to the bed, nudging me out of the way as he pulls the comforter back before crawling in and moving to the far side. He holds the blanket up, waiting for me to join him.

“I won’t let anything hurt you,” he states. Somehow, I don’t think he’s talking about clowns anymore.

I take a chance, hoping I don’t regret it, and crawl onto the bed beside Slade. He keeps holding the covers up until Jagger climbs in behind me after turning the light off, plunging us into darkness. The sound of our breathing mingles as we settle in. Nobody speaks, and none of us are touching. Yet there is something oddly intimate about this moment.

Eventually, the tension leaks from my body, and I relax, even when both of them move closer. But it’s when Jagger’s leg slides over mine and Slade’s hand moves to rest on my hip that a feeling of rightness washes over me.

I’m alone in the dark and vulnerable with two men who have spent more time being hostile toward me than kind, and yet I’m not afraid. Even when I thought they hated me, they didn’t hurt me. Well, not counting the football tackle, of course.

I’ve always been afraid of what goes bump in the night. But more than that, I was well aware of all the monsters that roamed freely in the light. I’ve never truly felt safe before.

Until now.

* * *

I’m warm when I wake up. Too warm. I try to kick the cover off but find myself unable to move. It takes my brain a second longer to process the reason why.

I must have rolled during the night because my head is resting on Jagger’s chest, and my ass is pushed back into Slade, who has curled around me. I lift my hand to make sure I haven’t drooled when I realize there is an arm blocking my way. An arm attached to a hand that is currently cupping my breast.

Holding my breath, I try to figure out a way to escape without disturbing either of them. Slade moans in his sleep and moves closer, his morning wood pressing against my ass as his hand spasms around my boob. I suck in my breath and nearly choke on it when he starts grinding against me in his sleep. I don’t know what he’s dreaming about, but when he lightly pinches my nipple, I’m not sure I care.

I squirm at his touch, feeling hot and needy.

Any minute now, I’ll pull away.

Any minute.

Slade pulls away before I can make my move, and instead of being relieved, I’m disappointed. At least until his rough hand lifts my already bent leg and pushes it higher until I’m virtually sprawled across Jagger. When he has me where he wants me, his hand slides from my thigh to my now-exposed pussy. He palms me over my panties. If he were awake, he’d feel just how wet they are.

A sharp intake of breath has my eyes snapping open. That sound didn’t come from Slade, it came from Jagger. I tip my head up, and his eyes clash with mine. I know he can’t see what Slade is doing, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

“Want me to wake him up?” he whispers, his hand lifting to my face. He palms my cheek and rubs his thumb across my bottom lip.

I open my mouth to tell him yes, but when his thumb slips inside and I taste the tip of it on my tongue, I lose my train of thought. I close my lips around his thumb and suck, making him groan. I feel it rumble through his chest and let it embolden me, swirling my tongue and sucking harder.

When I feel Slade’s fingers hook the crotch of my underwear and pull it aside, I don’t protest. Nor do I stop him when I feel his finger at my slick entrance. I vow to start my dick diet tomorrow. Wait, does this even technically count if we aren’t awake yet?

Jagger pulls his thumb from my mouth before dipping his head and kissing me. His tongue pushes inside my mouth just before Slade thrusts two fingers inside me. Jagger swallows down my gasps, cupping my head and holding me in place as he turns into me a little more. My leg slides farther over his hip as he turns. Now I can feel his erection pressing against my stomach.

Jesus fuck, I suck at dieting. I promised myself I’d be good, and now all I can think about is being the filling in a double-dick burger.

I wrap my hand around Jagger’s arm, anchoring myself to him as Slade pumps his fingers in and out of me, curling them in just the right way to make me see stars. I’m so close to coming that I find myself thrusting back into his hand. But when he pulls his fingers free, I tear my mouth away from Jagger’s and look over my shoulder, wondering if my movements have woken him.

“He’s still asleep. He does random things like this, though usually he eats or plays video games while he’s asleep,” Jagger tells me quietly.

“Will he be mad when he wakes up?” I turn back to Jagger as Slade moves closer behind me.

“No. That man wants you any way he can get you. But if you want him to stop, now would be the time to do it. I don’t know how far he’ll go.”

As I feel the blunt head of Slade’s cock probing me, I’m pretty sure I know the answer.

“Astrid,” Jagger warns me, but anything I might have said dies on my lips as Slade thrusts into me.

I come around him as he bottoms out inside me, arching my back and yelling his name. His movements falter for a second, and I know this time he’s awake as his hand grips my hip hard enough to leave bruises.

Jagger must realize something is wrong because his eyes move from mine to Slade’s. “Fuck her, Slade. She wants it. Tell him, Astrid. Tell him how badly you want him.”

The urgency in Jagger’s tone makes me pick up quickly that Slade is panicking. I push back into Slade, who seems frozen, and wrap my hand over his on my hip.