“Why indeed?” he questions calmly. But the other twin seems pissed.

“There were innocent people in that place. So if it was this Penn person, he’s not exactly a good guy here, Salem, which means we can’t assume his protégé is either.”

“Hey, I’m not his protégé. I’ve met the man a total of two times. Once when he saved me, and once when he asked me to find you.”

“Son of a bitch. This screams set-up to me,” Viking asshole pipes up. “Let me guess. You’re supposed to let him know when you’ve found her and where? Are you wearing a wire or a tracking device?”

“What? No!” I yell. God, why did I come here?

I stare at Salem, willing her with my eyes to hear me out so I can get the hell out of this place. “I didn’t come here to cause you harm. I didn’t even know you existed until Penn saved me.”

“You keep saying that. But what exactly did he save you from?”

I wrap my arms around myself. “Does it matter?” I say quietly, but she doesn’t say anything.

I look at her again. “You’re gifted. Just like he is. Just like me,” I whisper, knowing she won’t admit it but deciding I have to give her something, and if there is the slightest chance, then maybe, just maybe, she’ll believe me.

The tension in the room reaches fever pitch as Salem steps closer.

“When I touched Penn, I had a vision of you.” I stare straight at her and tell her the truth.

“What did you see?”

“You were fighting someone. I don’t know who they were. They were wearing a mask that covered their face and hair, and there was smoke all around you.”

“The clinic?”

I shake my head. “I don’t see the past, only the future. I don’t know when it happens exactly, but I remember the fairy lights that you see at Christmas twinkling on your face when you fall.” I hold myself tighter, waiting for their reactions.

“What else did you see, Astrid?”

I close my eyes and feel a tear run down my face. Getting her to believe me is only half the battle, the other half lies in saving her.

“I see you die. That’s why I’m here, to try and stop the vision from happening.”

The room goes silent.

“How often do your visions come true?” she whispers.

I don’t look away from her, needing her to know the truth no matter what. But I can tell by the look on her face that she knows the answer. My visions always come true. And another tear slips down my cheek.



I slide the gun into my pants pocket, but I don’t take my eyes off the woman in front of me. If she thinks I’ll let my guard down just because she’s female, she has another thing coming. I’ve seen women do evil, unspeakable things. I’ll never be the type of man to underestimate one. I stare at her as she stares at Salem, her expression one of sadness, but I’m not buying the bullshit she’s spreading.

“Let me guess, the best way for you to help is to stick close? What’s your aim here—to drive a wedge between Salem and the rest of us? Or is it simply to get her alone?”

She looks up at me. If she had the ability to spit fire, I’d’ve been incinerated on the spot.

“I get that you don’t like me for whatever reason, but believe it or not, I’m not Salem’s enemy. You, on the other hand, I have no problem smacking around a little.”

Someone behind me snorts, but I ignore them, glaring at Astrid.

“Look, I don’t care if you believe me. You won’t be the first to turn me away, and you won’t be the last. I get it. It all sounds so fantastical. But is it really more unbelievable than having the ability to heal someone?”

Nobody says anything to that because we know she’s right.