“Okay, why don’t you and Slade go pick something while I clean up?”

“I can help.”

He shakes his head. “I’ve got it.”

I look at Slade, who, as usual, says nothing. I’m hoping that means he’s okay with this. This is Slade we’re talking about. He’d tell me to fuck off if he wanted me to go, right?

I climb off the chair as Slade moves into me and takes my hand. I look down at our joined hands in surprise and let him lead me to the sofa.

“What do you want to watch?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

“Here.” He sits on the sofa and tosses me the remote before tugging me down beside him.

I swallow and hope he doesn’t see my shaking hands as I scroll through Netflix and select the first thing I can find.

“Nice,” he comments, his eyes on the screen as he takes the remote from me and cues it up.

That’s when I realize I chose the movie It. I’m usually good as far as horror movies go, with one teeny tiny exception. I hate clowns. I bite my lip and consider telling him I’ve changed my mind, but then he pulls the throw off the back of the sofa and covers me with it, distracting me from the thought of clown carnage.

“Are you sick?”

“No, the blanket’s for you.” He looks over at me, confused.

“Nice Slade is freaking me out,” I admit.

He smirks. “You want me to be a dick again?”

I open my mouth, but before I can answer, his lips are on mine, and everything else fades away.



It has to be said, kissing Astrid is right up there with my favorite things to do. If her lips have this much power over me, I can only imagine what her pussy can do.

“Do I need to throw a bucket of water over you?” Jagger huffs.

I pull away with a grin on my face that screams fuck you. He looks at me and rolls his eyes before taking the seat on the other side of Astrid. Her eyes flutter open as she becomes aware of her surroundings once more. She bites her lip and looks up at me, all wide-eyed and innocent. Fuck me, it makes me want to strip her bare and bend her over the sofa.

I wink at her and hit play on the movie as we all settle in. Jagger dims the lights and leans in closer to Astrid so she’s pinned in between us. It doesn’t take long for Astrid to lose herself in the movie. But for me, I’m more distracted by the woman herself than what’s playing on the screen.

I look over at Jagger and see him looking down at Astrid, too, with a soft expression on his face. Feeling my eyes on him, he looks up at me. He doesn’t need to speak for me to see the question in his eyes. Are we really doing this?

I nod once, giving him the green light. It’s like it’s all the permission he’s been waiting for, and he slides his hand behind her on the back of the sofa, taking a strand of her hair and twirling it around his fingers. Astrid jumps and squeals, hiding her eyes in the blanket, making me chuckle as I look at the screen to see what scared her.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” Jagger grins like he finds the whole thing adorable, tugging her into his side.

“I’m not usually a jumpy person, I swear.”

“Of course you’re not.”

She looks at me and frowns. “It’s true. Scary movies are my jam.”

“Your jam?” I grin. I can’t help it. Jagger’s right, she is adorable. Especially when her guard is down and she forgets that she hates us. Of course, I’m rather fond of prickly Astrid too. There is something incredibly sexy about the woman when she is pissed off and ready to take on the world.

“Yes,” she huffs, throwing me a death glare before letting it go and turning back to the movie. We fall back into silence until the children on-screen find themselves trapped in an old house with the serial killer clown.