“I drove halfway across the country to save the woman you all profess to love so much. You owe me everything.”



I take the headset off and pause the game when Jagger comes storming into the room and sits down beside me.

“Something wrong?”


“Right.” I stand up and head to the kitchen to pour us both a coffee. I wait for him to walk over and take a seat at the island before sliding it over to him.

“She just gets under my skin, that’s all.”

I sip my coffee as I wait, knowing there’s more.

“I want her.”

“I know.”

“She knows it too, but she isn’t willing to go there. Not after all this.”

I shrug. “Can’t say I blame her. Not sure if the roles were reversed, I’d be interested either.”

He scoffs. “Yeah. We both know that’s bullshit.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not about me.”

“Oh, it’s not? So, when I do fuck her, you want no part in it?”

“So, it’s when, not if?”

He jolts at that, not realizing what he’d said. “I guess so. If I can get her to come around.”

“Yeah, come around your cock.”

“Don’t even pretend you don’t want her.”

“I don’t even like her.”

“And you have to like her to fuck her?”

“You want me to fuck her like I hate her? Who am I punishing, Jagger, her, or you? Because you seem way too pissed-off over being rejected by a girl you’ve known for all of five minutes.”

Jagger’s chest heaves as he gets his anger under control. I don’t speak, giving him a chance to settle down as I continue to drink my coffee.

“I’m pissed because I want her, but this whole situation is fucked. And I don’t want to do this without you, but I don’t know what’s going on in your head. One minute you can’t stand her, and the next, you’re wrapped around her like a fucking pretzel.”

“I don’t think I can be held responsible for what I do when I sleep, Jagger. Jesus.”

“That’s the thing, Slade. You don’t sleep. At least, not until last night, that is.”

“Don’t read into that shit,” I warn him. The last thing I need is for him to start acting like Astrid is some miracle cure for the messed-up shit in my head.

He scrubs a hand over his face before taking a big gulp of his coffee and placing it back on the counter. “I’m going for a shower, then a walk. I’ve gotta clear my head. There are also a few things I’ve gotta check on with the construction team when they get here.”

“Fine. I’ll keep an eye on our little pet. But you owe me.”