“Alright, Jesus fucking Christ, all you had to do was ask me to stand up,” I snap, my arm stinging from where he grabbed me.

With my pale coloring, which is about as close to being a ghost without being a transparent shade of white, I tend to bruise like a peach. I’m sure I’ll have a lovely ring of fingerprints circling my arm by tomorrow. That’s if I’m still alive by then.

The behemoth ignores me and spins me around before leaning down and talking quietly into my ear. “If you move, Slade will shoot you.”

I stand still and close my eyes, swallowing hard as I lock my legs and grit my teeth. Slade is obviously the tattooed man with the gun still pointed at me. Good to know. I like to at least know a person’s name when they threaten to kill me.

The Viking dick forces my arms up and out on either side of me, then kicks my legs apart. He slides his hands up and down my arms before moving them across my body and down my hips. He draws them up and down each leg, checking my ankles before standing up once more and moving his hands to my rib cage.

As they glide upward, I snarl at him, “If you touch my boobs, I’ll kick you between your legs so hard you’ll be able to lick your own balls.”

He hesitates, the sound of a snort coming from behind us, before his thumbs swipe under the edge of my bra. I tense and ready myself, but thankfully he doesn’t push his luck.

Instead, he takes my arm again and whirls me back around. “Mouthy little thing, aren’t you?”

“Well, the role of big prick was already taken,” I snap back, my default setting returning to sarcasm with a hint of bitchiness.

“Sit.” He doesn’t give me a chance to do anything other than sit when he all but shoves me back into the chair.

I rub my arm where he grabbed it, glaring up at him, but his stoic gaze never wavers. I turn toward the demon duo when I hear a cell phone chime.

The slightly taller one pulls his phone from his pocket before reading a text and nodding. “E confirms she’s alone. She’s been casing the place, circling around four or five times.”

I roll my eyes. “I was not casing the place. Who even says things like casing the place?” I mutter, thinking this man must have watched Ocean’s Eleven one too many times.

“We have you on camera—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Trying to find this place, yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize getting lost was a crime.”

He tilts his head, studying me as his brother pulls out his own cell and fiddles with it.

“Who are you, and why are you here?”

“Honestly? I have no fucking clue what I’m doing here. I’d like to go home now. I have reached my bullshit limit for the day.”

He looks away from me, dismissing me as if I’m nothing but a nuisance, before he says something to his brother that I don’t hear and then jogs off.

His brother steps toward me, making me tense. “You know who we are?”

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “Apex Tactical.”

They all tense at my words.


“And who am I?”

“Either Tweedledee or Tweedledum. I can’t tell which of you is which, though.”

“Cute. I guess you think that makes you Alice.” Slade chuckles as he lowers the gun.

“Fuck no. I’m not interested in anything you guys are selling. I just have a message I want to deliver, and then I am on my way.”

“A message?”

I drop my head and sigh because what’s the point? They aren’t ever going to believe a word I say. They’ve already made up their minds about me.

“Who’s that?”