Mandy lost her license to practice, was disbarred, was charged, and is now awaiting trial.

James still works the cold cases, which he is flooded with now thanks to our association—though I couldn’t catch glimpses of the past, no matter how helpful that might be. We are still planning on working together, but I’m focusing on healing right now. In the meantime, with all the exposure I’ve had, people who believe they have gifts have contacted me.

“Think it might be someone who thinks they have a gift?”

“No clue. Here.” And he hands me his cell phone.

I click on the tab and sign in to view the message. A picture pops up of a man and a woman standing next to each other. In front of them are two boys, one around five or six, and the other a little older, maybe ten. In the man’s arms is a tiny baby wrapped in a pink blanket with a little flowered cap on her head.

The man smiles widely, his face familiar, but I can’t place him until I zoom in. I press a shaky hand to my mouth and smile.

“What is it?” Jagger walks up behind me, sweaty from his run. The man has more energy in his baby toe than I do in my whole body.

“The trucker I had a vision about the night I left. I saw another truck crash into his, pushing him through the guard rail and catching fire. He was trapped inside.”

Jagger wraps his arm around my chest and pulls me back against him. “You saved him.”

“He saved himself. I didn’t know if he’d listen to me,” I whisper, remembering the photo of his family and pregnant wife.

“I’m glad he did,” Jagger says softly.

“Me too.”

I zoom back out and notice the writing underneath the photo. “Thank you. Because of you, I hold the whole world in my hands.”

I blow out a breath to stop myself from bawling like a baby.

“It makes it all worth it, doesn’t it?” James looks at me knowingly.

I nod and reach out my hand to squeeze his shoulder. The only shadow on the horizon is the vision I’ve had of him. That, and trying to figure out if Dean was working alone or not.

“Here.” I hand James back his phone.

“I’m gonna take a quick shower. I’ll be back, okay?” Jagger kisses my temple and pats my ass as he leaves.

The doorbell rings, and Hawk dives over the sofa to reach it, but nobody seems panicked, so I assume they know who it is.

I walk over to the island, contemplating what I want to snack on. Hawk walks back in carrying three boxes of doughnuts in his hands with his wallet balanced precariously on top.

“You, sir, are a god,” I proclaim, walking over to help him.

He manages to slide them onto the island as I reach for them. All I do is knock his wallet on the floor. Bending down slowly to pick it up, I spot a photo inside—his wallet having landed open. I stare down at the older photo of Hawk and Creed with a tall, willowy woman standing between them. She has the body of a ballerina and the poise of one.She’s pretty, like model pretty, and the smile she’s wearing lights up her whole face. I’ve never seen that smile before, but I’ve seen that face twisted into a mask of terror.

“How do you know her?” I whisper, picking up the wallet and staring at the photo.

“Astrid?” Hawk says my name, his voice making everyone turn to look at me.

I hear movement, and then Creed is standing beside him, taking the wallet from my hands as Slade walks over and pulls me into his arms.

“That’s the woman from my vision. She’s the one trying to save James.”

“What? Are you sure?”

I nod. “Positive.”

“Holy fuck.”

“What’s going on?” Ev asks, looking down at the photo. “That’s your wife, right?”

My head snaps up to look at Hawk as he swallows hard. “Yeah, that’s our wife.”

I hold Slade tighter to stop my legs from buckling because something else dawns on me. When I first saw the vision, there was something familiar about the woman, but I couldn’t place her. My attention had been on James. Now, seeing that face and her honey blonde hair, I know I’ve seen her before, in person and in a vision.

She’s the woman from the diner. The one who will shoot and kill someone without remorse.

And now, knowing what I do, I have to wonder if that person might turn out to be someone I love.