Sylvie raises an eyebrow. “Why? You’re not happy with what you selected?”
“It's not that.”
I shove my hand back through my hair and sigh, wincing slightly at the pain in my side left from last night’s activities. Even my usual stress relief did nothing to erase what went down with Isabella the other day.
Nor can I forget that damn chili.
It won't leave the back of my mind. The flavor still assaults my tongue every time I think about it. And so does Isabella's scent. Can't get it out of my fucking head. But those are two completely different issues.
The one at hand is the delicious item she’s going to have on her menu and how it compares to the things I had planned before she tore mine apart with her wicked pen.
“I'm starting to wonder if my menu might be a little too ambitious for this area.”
Grant climbs from his seat to offer it to his wife. “I told him he's being crazy.”
She nods and motions to the couple of dishes I have laid out—some from the old menu and some potential new items. “I don't understand.” Her eyes drift over to the side with the more elegant plates, and she points. “I thought that this was the kind of food you cook.”
I clear my throat and glance toward the joint wall. “It is. But it's not the type of food the people in this area are used to. It might be a little too conceptual for them.”
Sylvie chuckles and shakes her head. “I can see you're just as much of a worrier and perfectionist as my husband. No wonder you two get along so well.”
I scowl at her. Even though she's one hundred percent right, it doesn't mean I have to like it. “Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? Being a perfectionist is what got me to where I am today.”
Grant nods and raises his hand. “Same.”
His wife smacks him on the arm. “I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But I do think you need to consider whether you want your restaurant to be all concept or to have a little heart.” She inclines her head back toward the shared wall like I just did. “Isabella?”
I narrow my eyes on Sylvie. “What about her?”
She shrugs slightly. “I may have stopped over there on my way here. And accidentally slipped in and talked to her for a while.”
Grant glances at her. “Accidentally? I told you the girl next door was the one who messed with the menu.”
Sylvie offers a faux innocent shrug. “I can play dumb.”
I laugh and smack my hands together. “All right. A spy. Just what we need.”
She holds up her hands and shakes her head. “Oh, no. I am no spy. I'm just letting you guys know that I really dig the vibe of her place. It's casual and inviting and very homey.”
I cringe at the word. “That is definitely not what we’re going for.”
She shrugs. “I get that.” She reaches out and grabs a bite of the new roasted chicken dish I came up with from the plate in front of her, unceremoniously popping it into her mouth. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, and she groans. “Damn. That's good.”
Grant leans in. “Don't make those noises and say things like that in public. You know how I get.”
Sylvie laughs and smacks him again. “Behave.” She turns back to me and offers a sympathetic smile. “Look, I think you need to do whatever you want to do and not worry about what the beautiful blonde next door is doing. If you do, you’ll end up second-guessing everything until the day you open and probably long after that. That won't be good for your business. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also put your heart and soul into each thing you make.”
My partner points at me. “Exactly what I told him.”
One of her slim shoulders rises and falls. “Yeah, but he probably doesn't listen to you.”
Grant points at her and laughs. “No, he certainly doesn't.”
I scowl at him. “That’s because I know what I want. This is all I’ve wanted since I was about five.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “I still don't understand how the son of hockey royalty, whose brother was also one of the best players in NHL history, ends up as a chef instead of out on the ice.”
His words freeze my blood faster than being out on the morning ice ever did, and I school my features and try not to react to his comment. Grant and I may have become fast friends, but there are a lot of things I'll never discuss with him, no matter how much I like the guy.