He had entered the blue salon and now waved the aforementioned letter in his hand at her. His movements were as sure and lithe as they had ever been, her father having now made a complete recovery.
“What letter, Papa?” she prompted with forced interest.
“It is from…”
“The Duke of Oxford?” Harry brightened.
“It is from Charlie, one of the two men who accompanied Edward to Spain,” her father corrected.
“Oh.” She deflated. “Is Edward well?”
“According to his minder, they have arrived safely at the villa I rented for them, and Edward is settled and doing very well.” Her father looked at her over his half-moon glasses for several seconds before glancing down at the contents of the letter he held. “Is there a reason why you assumed the Duke of Oxford might be writing to me?” he mused wryly.
Her lashes lowered. “I had assumed, now that he is aware of your own actions that day, he would send news to you of what he and his friends intended doing regarding the mysterious happenings surrounding the Duke of Plymouth’s death.”
“He already did so,” her father informed her lightly.
“He did?” It was the first she had heard of it.
He nodded. “A week ago now.”
It made her heart race to think her father had received word from Gideon a week ago and not told her.
She stared. “Papa, why did you not tell me you had received this letter?”
His brows rose. “I had no idea of your interest in either the matter or the Duke of Oxford was quite so…fierce.”
Harry avoided his speculative gaze. “I am, of course, eager to learn if there has been any further development regarding the previous Duke of Plymouth’s death.”
“Only that?”
“Of course.”
Harry had always thought her father to be somewhat dreamy in his manner, someone who preferred the company of birds and animals than bothering himself with the complication of people’s emotions.
But as she looked into his frowning gaze, she realized her father was now speculating as to her interest in Gideon Harrington, the Duke of Oxford.
“Is there anything you wish to tell me, my dear?” His gentle prompting confirmed that speculation.
“No,” she instantly dismissed. “Nothing at all,” she added for good measure.
“I see,” he said slowly. “Then you will not be in the least interested to hear that in his letter, the Duke of Oxford stated it is his intention to arrive here later today.”
Harry stood abruptly. “Papa…?” she gasped, once again feeling the warmth of a blush in her cheeks. “Why did you not tell me that?”
“You have been so despondent these past few weeks, and we have so few visitors, that I had thought to keep his visit as a surprise for you,” he explained. “But I see now that I should have shared it with you earlier so you might fully enjoy the anticipation of his visit.”
She was absolutely thrilled to learn Gideon was coming to Dunhill Manor.
“Only because I need to inform the housekeeper to prepare a bedchamber for him.” She glanced at her father from beneath thick lashes. “I presume the duke will be staying the night?”
Her father nodded. “I believe it is his intention to remain here for several nights.”