Page 39 of The Hero

At the same time as he knew he could not do that.

For one thing, it simply would not do for a young single lady to travel with him to London, even if her maid were to accompany her. Also, the need to reach there as soon as possible was urgent. Something which would be hindered enormously by having to pace his progress to that of a carriage rather than riding alone on horseback.

Secondly, he would need all his wits about him to deal with how complicated the situation of Plymouth’s death had now become, and Harry’s presence had a way of wiping away any thoughts that were not of her.

Lastly, Gideon believe her father and brother needed her steadying presence to remain with them at present. To act as arbiter, if nothing else, in their discussions as to what must become of the feckless Edward Church.

As stated, Gideon was more than happy to leave that last difficult decision to the earl.

“I do not have plans to do so, no,” he answered Harry’s query evenly.


Gideon disliked intensely the fact that Harry’s gorgeous blue eyes were looking down at the rug rather than at him. “There is only one more day left of the house party after this one, and I doubt very much that I shall have concluded my business in London in that short amount of time.”

“But I have said I shall be here for another week, at least.”

“I have no idea how long this business will take.”

Her lashes remained lowered. “Of course not.”


“I am disappointed on my aunt’s behalf, not my own,” she assured as she at last raised her head to reveal a defiant expression and angrily glittering eyes. “This weekend, rather than being a social coup for her, has been one disaster followed by another.” She gave a hard and tinkling laugh of dismissal.

An overenthusiastic display of humor which did not convince Gideon in the slightest that Harry felt any real mirth at the shocking happenings of this weekend.

Gideon hated seeing her normally free spirit so inwardly deflated. “I will visit you in Gloucestershire once my business with the other Ruthless Dukes is satisfactorily concluded.”

Pleasure flared briefly in Harry’s eyes before it was quickly subdued and replaced with another of those insincere smiles. “Of course, you will.”

He scowled. “You doubt my word?”

“Not in the least,” she said lightly. “I have no doubt at this moment you mean exactly what you are saying.”


“But you will forget about the silly girl you met in Bedfordshire once you are back amongst your fashionable friends and the beautiful ladies of the…” The rest of her words were swallowed by Gideon’s mouth taking firm possession of hers in a kiss meant to punish as much as give pleasure for her doubting him.

He devoured and tasted, punished.

He raised his head several long and pleasurable minutes later to look down at Harry’s flushed cheeks and feverish gaze. Her lips were red and puffy from the intensity of their shared kisses. “I will not forget you,” he vowed huskily. “But perhaps you will forget me?”

“Believe me when I say you are impossible to forget,” she dryly assured with a return of her usual spirit.

Feigned or real, Gideon was grateful for it. “As are you.” He released her to step back. “I really do have to go,” he said regretfully.

“I know you do.” Harry smiled.

Again, Gideon was unsure if that smile was genuine, but he didn’t have the time right now to pursue the subject. “You will see.” He raised one of his hands to cradle the side of her face, his thumb a soft caress against her swollen bottom lip. “I will visit you in Gloucestershire long before you have had time to miss me.”

“I already miss you,” she admitted softly.

Gideon loved Harry’s honesty. He loved her. But they both had duties which had to be dealt with before he could think of settling matters between them.

He bent to kiss her again, briefly but with hard possession. “Keep a lookout for me in Gloucestershire, because I will come to visit you there soon.”