Page 24 of The Hero

“Your brother is…”

“Completely unable to think of anyone but himself,” she finished heavily. “I wish I could claim it were otherwise but…” She turned fully in her seat to face Gideon, her fingers tightly grasped together. “Do you think he might have been stupid enough to accept money to…to kill the Duke of Plymouth?”

* * *

Gideon wished he could say no to that question, but this morning he had seen a completely different side to the rakish but affable young gentleman Henlow chose to present in Society.

Gideon was currently so angry at the cruel way Henlow had spoken to his sister that he hoped the rich and widowed Lady Clara Faulks did return his interest. It might serve to bring that young man’s selfish ego down a peg or two.

Having once, several years ago, foolishly plowed that field himself—it was between Clara’s first husband and her second—Gideon knew that she would sexually devour young Henlow until she had sucked the very marrow from his bones. After which she would move on to another man foolish enough to have his eyes on her fortune.

Gideon had no interest in her fortune and, thank God, had had the presence of mind to refuse to meet privately with the woman again after that first time. The sex had been adequate, but certainly nothing Gideon wished to repeat.

But none of those thoughts answered Harry’s question. “I believe your brother is capable of killing, yes. He was a soldier, after all,” he added cautiously. “But cold-blooded murder is something else. Especially against a swordsman of Plymouth’s caliber.”

“Then it seems we will have to wait to know more until my father is well enough to answer your questions.” Harry pushed her plate away before standing. “I believe I shall go upstairs and rest now before I am needed to take over from my aunt again.”

Gideon also stood. “I will escort you.”

Her cheeks colored as she lowered her gaze. “Is that wise when we have already kissed once and have now admitted to liking each other?”

Gideon believed he had behaved the equivalent of wise—that is, cautious and aloof—all his adult life. It was time for him to behave with more spontaneity and purpose. Indeed, he ached to behave in that manner toward Harry.

To that end he offered his arm for her to take. “To hell with being wise,” he dismissed.

She gave him a glance from beneath lowered lashes before placing her lace-gloved hand on his forearm. “I agree.” She allowed him to escort her out of the room and toward the wide staircase.

* * *

Harry’s heart pounded all the way up the stairs and down the hallway to where her bedchamber was situated. Her palms also felt damp inside her gloves.

What was she doing?

Gideon was fourteen years her senior. Sophisticated. Self-contained. Most of all, sexually experienced.

She was the opposite of all those things.

Especially the latter. The kiss she and Gideon had shared had been her first.

“Please do not be alarmed.” Gideon turned to face her, taking both her hands in his as they came to a halt outside her bedchamber. “I have no wish to do anything which will alarm you into not liking me.”

Harry looked up at him, her frown betraying her uncertainty. “Are you playing with me?”

His expression darkened. “I believe that anyone who knows me well would tell you that I do not have the facility to play at anything with anyone.”

“Mocking me, then?”

Gideon released her to lift his hands so that his palms now cupped either side of her face. “You are the purest diamond amongst lesser bejeweled dross. A beautiful young woman who has held me in her thrall since the moment we first met.”

Harry’s gaze moved searchingly over each of his harsh features. The gray of his eyes was soft and warm. His cheekbones appeared less like razor blades. His slightly curving lips were full and sensuous rather than thinned in displeasure.

“You truly do like me,” she said wondrously.

He chuckled. “I truly do.”

Harry continued to look at him uncertainly for several minutes before coming to a decision. “Would you like to come into my bedchamber with me? Just for a few minutes. So that we might continue our conversation.”

Gideon stilled. “Are you playing a game with me?”