I owe him more than that.
Hell, I owe him everything.
Well, maybe not everything. If he’d let me go that night… that would have been everything.
I walk around the cell, dragging my fingertips over the rough gray walls, my eyes everywhere looking for… anything.
But there’s nothing. I’m stuck in a gray box with no means of escape and nothing to do other than dwell on all the mistakes and bad decisions that landed me here.
I didn’t want to do it.
I didn’t want to be playing anyone, especially not Kane Legend, one of the Hawks best foot soldiers.
He might not believe it right now, but I actually like him.
He thinks I’m nothing more than a cheap, lying whore, mind you. Which is totally justified. But it’s also not true.
We’re a lot alike, the two of us.
Both Harrow Creek kids, born and raised. We’ve been fucked over by life, although in very different ways. But because he was born with a dick between his legs, he was invited into the Hawks, the gang that rules this town with an iron fist. Victor found a way to harness Kane’s anger. Add the fact that Kane is a close friend of both Reid and his younger brother Devin, and he had a fast-track ticket to becoming Hawks’ royalty.
He didn’t want it though.
He’s spent the past year or so trying to escape this life and his entanglement to the Hawks. Something I know all about.
But every time he gets close, he gets reeled back in at the command of Victor fucking Harris.
And over the past eighteen months, the responsibility of keeping him tied to this life has fallen on me.
Victor stupidly thought I could be the one to convince Kane to stay.
It was never going to work. Kane Legend has the promise of a better life. Hell, he could be one of the few who gets out of Harrow Creek and actually makes a life for himself. A life in the NFL, if all goes well. I may know shit about football, but he’s good. Really good.
I was barely a blip on Kane’s radar. He thought I was the job. He just had no idea that he was the one really being played.
All of us are nothing but puppets in this game.
A game that Victor Harris holds the rule book to.
If he says jump, everyone beneath him, even his eldest devil child, is expected to ask how high.
It’s wrong. But it’s the way it is. Has been for years. And what is a blonde bimbo like me supposed to do about it?
I sigh, falling back on the bed, a sense of defeat and disappointment settling over me.Resting my hands on my stomach, I twist my wedding ring around my finger as I think about the man who gave it to me.
As soon as he realizes I’m not home. He’ll be searching for me.
It might have already happened.
I haven’t been getting very far on the outside, but I’m going to achieve fuck all in here.
There are only two things I want in life.
I want to know the truth about my sister, to find her if that’s even a possibility after all these years.
And I want to see Victor fucking Harris die. Right in front of my very own eyes, I want to see the life drain out of his.
Somehow, I’ll get out of here, and somehow, I’ll make both happen.