“Try pretending you’re not interested in what I could offer you all you like, we both know it’s bullshit.”
“Are you always this full of yourself?”
His responding laugh confirms my question.
“Your nipples are hard, Dove.”
“I’m freezing my tits off. This water is ice-cold, if you hadn’t noticed.”
“It’s not the reason they’re hard, though, is it?”
“Why did you come down here?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Got a job to do.”
“I’m assuming that’s not to torment me?” I guess.
“Pretty sure I’m not meant to be anywhere near you, little dove. But I have never been very good at following the rules.”
He steps forward and stands with his feet wide between mine, forcing my knees farther apart.
The little bit of heat where our skin touches rushes through me, a whimper of relief almost spills from my lips, but I manage to catch it before it escapes.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me,” I mutter, staring up into his eyes.
They’re so incredibly blue. It’s like staring into the ocean on a perfect summer’s day.
I always wondered what it might be like to be swallowed up by that mass of water. Right now, I think I might be getting a taste of what that’s like.
“It didn’t need to end here,” he says, reaching either side of my head and resting his hands against the backrest, bringing our faces in line.
His minty breath washes over my face again and I try not to breathe on him.
I tell myself it’s not because I don’t want to put him off, but I know it’s a big fat lie.
He leans closer. So close I start to wonder if he will stop or just swoop in for a kiss.
“You could have made a different decision, little dove.”
“Easy for you to say. You’ve no idea what my life is like and why I make the decisions I do.”
“How about you try to help me understand,” he suggests, his eyes bouncing between mine. “We could help. You need people killed? Done. Your husband needs punishment for clearly being blind to what belongs to him? Easy. Name it, and it’s yours.”
“That’s a risky offer for a girl who’s possibly only days away from death.”
“Days?” he balks. “You’re not really rating the big man’s skills, huh?”
“He’s enjoying this too much to end it quickly.”
“Is that right?”
“If he wanted me dead, I’d already be done,” I state firmly, lifting my chin confidently.
He falls silent, his eyes locked on mine before he pushes from the chair and stands again.
Lifting his arm, he pushes his sopping wet hair back from his brow, his eyes dropping down my body to where he’s spread my legs.
“You’ve got some balls, I’ll give you that.”