“Life as Victor Harris’s other half isn’t a fun one. I can’t even blame her for it, really.”
“How many women do you think are only in this town because they don’t have a choice?” I muse.
“Far more than we could ever predict,” he responds sadly. “Anyway,” he says, putting a little more excitement into his voice as he stands. “I came down here to let you know that you’re going to be having a visitor in fifteen minutes, so I thought I’d give you a chance to freshen up.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
He shrugs. “Thought you might want to brush your teeth or shower or something.”
With my mug still in my hands, I push from the bed.
“Who are you and what have you done with Reid Harris?”
“You’re cute, Pet. I can retract the offer if you prefer.”
“No, no. I’ll take anything you’ve got.”
Before he can change his mind, I’m out the door and heading toward the bathroom.
I don’t need to look back to know he’s hot on my trail. His stare burns into my back, making my blood heat.
He stands in the doorway, resting his shoulder against the frame as I brush my teeth.
“Have the two of you always been voyeurs or is this a new hobby, especially for me?” I ask, leaning into the shower to turn it on.
He chuckles but doesn’t say anything. He also doesn’t show any sign that he’s about to move either.
Unfazed by his attention, I turn my back on him and peel JD’s tank from my body before shoving his boxers down my legs.
I don’t miss the sharp intake of breath from the man behind me, and I’m sure as shit smirking as I step into the shower, knowing he can’t look anywhere else but my ass.
“So do you watch porn together or…”
“Pet.” He growls as I reach for the shower gel.
“What? It’s a serious question.”
I glance over my shoulder in time to see him comb his hair back, his eyes raking up my body.
“You could join me, you know. I bet JD would get a kick out of that.”
“I’m good. Thanks,” he mutters, but from the roughness of his voice, I’m not sure he really means it.
“You know, he helped me out by shaving my legs a few days ago. You could—”
“I’m sure you’re more than capable, Pet. Just do what you need to do. You’re on the clock.”
“Ah, yes. This must be an important visitor if you want me smelling fresh for them.”
“I don’t give a shit how you smell, Pet.”
“I forgot this was for my benefit. Silly me for thinking you were getting something out of it.”
With soap bubbles running down my body, I spin around.
Credit where credit’s due, his eyes hold mine.
“You have five minutes. If you’re not showered and dressed, I’ll drag you out wet and naked.”