“Reid, please,” I whimper as his grip tightens.
Tears fill my eyes again as I stare at him, silently begging him to tell me that Mav is okay.
‘Please,’ I mouth.
He smiles and it’s pure fucking evil.
“He can’t handle pain as well as you can, Pet. You’re more of a man than he is.”
“Bullshit. Mav is the best man I know.”
“Then you really need to get to know some others.”
He steps closer, pressing our bodies together and letting his warmth seep into mine.
My nipples pucker and my thighs clench.
“Why did he get into that ring with you?” I demand, focusing on the issue at hand, not my long-lost orgasm.
The asshole just smirks at me.
Just when I think he’s not going to respond, his lips part.
“Poor old Maverick is a little stressed. It seems someone has stolen his favorite toy and he can’t find where they’ve hidden it.”
“You’re an asshole,” I hiss.
He holds my eyes for a beat before the warmth of his hands wrap around my wrists and I’m forced back.
I collide so hard with the wall that all my breath rushes out of me.
He lifts my arms above my head, pinning them to the wall with one of his giant paws before looming over me, trying to scare me with his size.
“Oh, Pet,” he muses, as if all of this is nothing but a joke to him. “Haven’t you heard, I’m so much worse than that.”
“You’re all bark and no bite,” I accuse.
His free hand lifts and my gasp of shock rips through the room as his thumb brushes my sensitive nipple.
“Is that right?”
I narrow my eyes at him, desperately trying to hide my true reaction to his touch, but I fear it’s pointless.
“I think we both know that I’ve got more than enough bite.”
“You’re not man enough to take what you want,” I taunt. My eyes might be locked on his, but he’s so close that I can feel everything he doesn’t want me to against my hip. “At least JD owns it.”
“You want me to confess that I want to fuck you, Pet?”
Heat floods my veins, making me want to whimper with need. But I hold it in.
So what if the mighty Reid Harris wants to fuck me?
It doesn’t mean I’m about to bend over and offer it up like the filthy whore he thinks I am.