“Why did you do it, Alana? What fucking games are you playing?” He roars in my face.
“I’m not playing anything,” I cry. “It might be hard for you to believe, but I don’t actually have time for your petty gang bullshit, but some of us don’t have a fucking choice.”
His grip tightens, and my tears finally spill free.
His chest heaves as his breath races over my face.
“Talk, Alana. Why did you lie? Why are you trying to fuck up Kane’s chance at a new life?”
“I’m not. Victor is,” I blurt before I realize I’ve even opened my mouth.
He releases me in a heartbeat and steps away.
His fingers thread through his own hair before he roars, “Motherfucker,” so loudly, the chair beneath me vibrates.
Tears continue to stream down my cheeks as my new short hair falls around my neck.
My lips part to say something, although I have no idea what, when a figure suddenly emerges in the long hallway.
“What the hell have you done?” JD barks, his eyes locked on me.
“Untie her, put her back in her cell,” Reid demands before he takes off.
“What the fuck did you say to him?” JD asks as we both watch the barely-restrained bull practically run down the hallway.
I don’t answer. What’s the point?
I’ve already said too much.
I promised myself. Fucking promised myself to keep my secrets locked up, but the second he found a soft spot, there I go spilling everything I was desperate to keep concealed.
Lowering my gaze, I stare down at my lap, letting my hair fall around me. Although it’s no longer a curtain I can hide behind when things get hard.
A sob rips free as I stare through my tears at my hacked-off locks.
“Oh shit.” JD gasps. “It’s okay, Dove. Sit still, I’ll cut you free.”
Sit still? Is he having a fucking laugh?
I’ve done nothing but sit still since the moment that asshole tied me up here.
I don’t look up as JD rummages around, I assume for a suitable knife, not a machete or whatever else Reid has to terrify his inmates.
My eyes widen when he drops to his knees before me and holds up a vicious-looking serrated blade.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Do you always do what Reid tells you? I know you always follow him around like a lost puppy, but I didn’t realize you were his little bitch.”
“Careful, Dove. I don’t need to cut you free. I could just leave you here,” he mutters.
“And defy orders?”
His stare burns into the top of my head, and finally, I cave.
The second I look up, my blue eyes lock on his and I swear they swallow me whole.
“You’re trouble, little dove.”