Page 85 of Crashing Into You

Nana reached out and covered Kennedy’s hand with her own. “That’s great, Bunny!”

Bunny.Kennedy still had never asked Seb what the significance was of her tattoo. And now, she probably wouldn’t get the chance. Every time they’d spent the night together, they’d done it under the guise of it being just one night, but last night was different than the other nights. Last night there’d been an undertone of finality. When he was making love to her, she felt like he was different, like he was saying goodbye.

Which was what she’d been scared of and was why she hadn’t wanted to talk to him. And if that made her a big, fat chicken, then cluck, cluck baby.

After last night she was surer than ever that after the wedding he would leave, and she wouldn’t see him again. Which was fine. Or it should be fine. She knew that he had never planned on staying in town. This was a pitstop at best.

Moisture filled her eyes, but she did her best to sniff them away.

“Or not,” Nana amended. “What’s wrong? You don’t want to go on the show?”

All the pent-up emotion she’d managed to keep at bay, broke free and tears began to slide down her cheeks. “Nothing’s wrong. Not really. It’s just…I’ve been, um…I’ve been sort of seeing someone.”

“Sebastian Savage,” Nana filled in the blank.

“How did you know?”

“Because every time you talk about him your face lights up brighter than the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.”

Did it? Kennedy hadn’t even remembered talking about him to Nana, but she must have. She’d probably done it without even thinking about it.

“So what’s the problem? You like him but now you feel like you have to go on the show?”

“No, I mean, yes sort of. It’s complicated.”

“So you told him how you felt and he said that he didn’t feel the same way?”

Kennedy had to think about that. Her first instinct was to say yes, of course she’d told him how she felt. But once she thought about it, she realized that she hadn’t.

“No, but he knows.”

“How does he know? Is he a mind reader?”

“No, but he knows what I want in a partner, and he told me he can’t be that.”

“You told him about your list?” She looked surprised that Kennedy had shared that information with him.

“No, not really. He overheard me talking to one of the producers when I was on a call with them like the day after we met.”

“So he heard your list and then said that he’s not the man you need?”

Kennedy nodded. “It wasn’t that straight forward, but sort of.”

“What’s on your list that he doesn’t have?”

“I think probably that I want a family.”

“So he didn’t tell you specifically that was what it was?”

“No, but everything else on it, he has.”

“Really? He has a college degree? A full time job?”

“No, but that’s not…I only put those on there because I was tired of dating losers with no jobs.”

“Does he know that?”

Did he? He must.